Interface AccessControlEditor

All Known Implementing Classes:
ACLEditor, ACLEditor

public interface AccessControlEditor

AccessControlEditor is used to edit the access control policy and entry objects provided by the respective service.

Method Summary
 JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy[] editAccessControlPolicies(Principal principal)
          Returns an array of editable policies for the given principal.
 AccessControlPolicy[] editAccessControlPolicies(String nodePath)
          Retrieves the editable policies for the Node identified by the given nodePath that are applicable but have not yet have been set.
 JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy[] getPolicies(Principal principal)
          Retrieves the policies that have been applied before for the given principal.
 AccessControlPolicy[] getPolicies(String nodePath)
          Retrieves the policies for the Node identified by the given nodePath.
 void removePolicy(String nodePath, AccessControlPolicy policy)
          Removes the specified policy from the node at nodePath.
 void setPolicy(String nodePath, AccessControlPolicy policy)
          Stores the policy template to the respective node.

Method Detail


AccessControlPolicy[] getPolicies(String nodePath)
                                  throws AccessControlException,
Retrieves the policies for the Node identified by the given nodePath. In contrast to editAccessControlPolicies(java.lang.String) this method returns an empty array if no policy has been applied before by calling setPolicy(java.lang.String, Still the returned policies are detached from the AccessControlProvider and are only an external representation. Modification will therefore not take effect, until they are written back to the editor and persisted.

Compared to the policy returned by AccessControlProvider.getEffectivePolicies(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path, CompiledPermissions), the scope of the policies it limited to the Node itself and does not take inherited elements into account.

nodePath - Absolute path to an existing node object.
the policies applied so far or an empty array if no policy has been applied to the node before.
AccessControlException - If the Node identified by the given nodePath does not allow access control modifications (e.g. the node itself stores the access control information for its parent).
PathNotFoundException - if no node exists for the given nodePath.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy[] getPolicies(Principal principal)
                                            throws AccessControlException,
Retrieves the policies that have been applied before for the given principal. In contrast to editAccessControlPolicies(java.lang.String) this method returns an empty array if no policy has been applied before by calling setPolicy(java.lang.String, Still the returned policies are detached from the AccessControlProvider and are only an external representation. Modification will therefore not take effect, until they are written back to the editor and persisted.

principal - Principal for which the editable policies should be returned.
the policies applied so far or an empty array if no policy has been applied before.
AccessControlException - if the specified principal does not exist, if this implementation cannot provide policies for individual principals or if same other access control related exception occurs.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


AccessControlPolicy[] editAccessControlPolicies(String nodePath)
                                                throws AccessControlException,
Retrieves the editable policies for the Node identified by the given nodePath that are applicable but have not yet have been set.
The AccessControlPolicy objects returned are detached from the underlying AccessControlProvider and is only an external representation. Modification will therefore not take effect, until a modified policy is written back to the editor and persisted.

See getPolicies(String) for the corresponding method that returns the editable policies that have been set to the node at nodePath before.

Compared to the policies returned by AccessControlProvider.getEffectivePolicies(org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path, CompiledPermissions), the scope of the policies returned by this methods it limited to the Node itself and does never not take inherited elements into account.

nodePath - Absolute path to an existing node object.
an array of editable access control policies.
AccessControlException - If the Node identified by the given nodePath does not allow access control modifications.
PathNotFoundException - if no node exists for the given nodePath.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs


JackrabbitAccessControlPolicy[] editAccessControlPolicies(Principal principal)
                                                          throws AccessDeniedException,
Returns an array of editable policies for the given principal.

principal - Principal for which the editable policies should be returned.
an array of editable policies for the given principal.
AccessDeniedException - If the editing session is not allowed to edit policies.
AccessControlException - if the specified principal does not exist, if this implementation cannot provide policies for individual principals or if same other access control related exception occurs.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.


void setPolicy(String nodePath,
               AccessControlPolicy policy)
               throws AccessControlException,
Stores the policy template to the respective node.

nodePath - Absolute path to an existing node object.
policy - the AccessControlPolicy to store.
AccessControlException - If the policy is null or if it is not applicable to the Node identified by the given nodePath.
PathNotFoundException - if no node exists for the given nodePath.
RepositoryException - if an other error occurs.


void removePolicy(String nodePath,
                  AccessControlPolicy policy)
                  throws AccessControlException,
Removes the specified policy from the node at nodePath.

nodePath - Absolute path to an existing node object.
policy - The policy to be removed at nodePath.
AccessControlException - If the Node identified by the given nodePath does not allow policy modifications or does not have the specified policy attached.
PathNotFoundException - if no node exists for the given nodePath.
RepositoryException - if an other error occurs

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