Uses of Interface

Packages that use AuthContext
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API.   

Uses of AuthContext in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as AuthContext
protected  AuthContext SessionImpl.loginContext
          the AuthContext of this session (can be null if this session was not instantiated through a login process)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return AuthContext
 AuthContext UserPerWorkspaceSecurityManager.getAuthContext(Credentials creds, Subject subject, String workspaceName)
          Creates an AuthContext for the given Credentials and Subject.
 AuthContext DefaultSecurityManager.getAuthContext(Credentials creds, Subject subject, String workspaceName)
          Creates an AuthContext for the given Credentials and Subject.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type AuthContext
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSession(AuthContext loginContext, String workspaceName)
          Creates a new repository session on the specified workspace for the authenticated subject of the given login context and adds it to the active sessions.
protected  SessionImpl RepositoryImpl.createSessionInstance(AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Creates an instance of the SessionImpl class representing a user authenticated by the loginContext instance attached to the workspace configured by the wspConfig.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type AuthContext
SessionImpl(RepositoryContext repositoryContext, AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Protected constructor.
XASessionImpl(RepositoryContext repositoryContext, AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Create a new instance of this class.

Uses of AuthContext in

Methods in that return AuthContext
 AuthContext JackrabbitSecurityManager.getAuthContext(Credentials creds, Subject subject, String workspaceName)
          Returns a new AuthContext for the specified credentials and subject.

Uses of AuthContext in

Classes in that implement AuthContext
 class JAASAuthContext
          Implements the common AuthContext interface for the JAAS environment.
 class LocalAuthContext
          Provide AuthContext interface, for a JAAS-LoginModule not running in a LoginContext

Methods in that return AuthContext
 AuthContext AuthContextProvider.getAuthContext(Credentials credentials, Subject subject, Session session, PrincipalProviderRegistry principalProviderRegistry, String adminId, String anonymousId)

Uses of AuthContext in

Methods in that return AuthContext
 AuthContext SimpleSecurityManager.getAuthContext(Credentials creds, Subject subject, String workspaceName)
          Creates an AuthContext for the given Credentials and Subject.

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