Uses of Interface

Packages that use EvaluationContext

Uses of EvaluationContext in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that implement EvaluationContext
 class JackrabbitIndexSearcher
          JackrabbitIndexSearcher implements an index searcher with jackrabbit specific optimizations.

Uses of EvaluationContext in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint with parameters of type EvaluationContext
 boolean SameNodeConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean QueryConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean OrConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean NotConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean DescendantNodeConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean Constraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean ComparisonConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean ChildNodeConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
 boolean AndConstraint.evaluate(ScoreNode[] row, Name[] selectorNames, EvaluationContext context)
          Evaluates this constraint for the given row.
protected  NodeId HierarchyConstraint.getBaseNodeId(EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the id of the base node or null if there is no node at the base path.
 Property PropertyValueOperand.getProperty(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the property for the given score node or null if none exists.
 PropertyState PropertyValueOperand.getPropertyState(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the property state for the given score node or null if none exists.
 Value[] UpperCaseOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.
 Value[] PropertyValueOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.
 Value[] NodeNameOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the name of the node denoted by the given score node sn.
 Value[] NodeLocalNameOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the local name of the node denoted by the given score node sn.
 Value[] LowerCaseOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.
 Value[] LengthOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.
 Value[] FullTextSearchScoreOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.
abstract  Value[] DynamicOperand.getValues(ScoreNode sn, EvaluationContext context)
          Returns the values for the given score node sn of this dynamic operand.

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