Uses of Class

Packages that use DynamicOperand

Uses of DynamicOperand in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint

Subclasses of DynamicOperand in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint
 class FullTextSearchScoreOperand
          FullTextSearchScoreOperand implements a full text search score operand.
 class LengthOperand
          LengthOperand implements a length operand.
 class LowerCaseOperand
          LowerCaseOperand implements a lower case operand.
 class NodeLocalNameOperand
          NodeLocalNameOperand implements a node local name operand.
 class NodeNameOperand
          NodeNameOperand implements a node name operand.
 class PropertyValueOperand
          PropertyValueOperand implements a property value operand.
 class UpperCaseOperand
          UpperCaseOperand implements an upper case operand.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint with parameters of type DynamicOperand
ComparisonConstraint(DynamicOperand operand1, Operator operator, Value operand2, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new comparison constraint.
LikeConstraint(DynamicOperand operand1, Value operand2, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new like constraint.
LowerCaseOperand(DynamicOperand operand)
          Creates a new lower case operand.
UpperCaseOperand(DynamicOperand operand)
          Creates a new upper case operand.

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