Class FieldNames

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.FieldNames

public class FieldNames
extends Object

Defines field names that are used internally to store UUID, etc in the search index.

Field Summary
          Name of the field that contains the UUIDs of the aggregated nodes.
static String FULLTEXT
          Name of the field that contains the fulltext index including terms from all properties of a node.
          Prefix for all field names that are fulltext indexed by property name.
static String LABEL
          Name of the field that contains the label of the node.
static String LOCAL_NAME
          Name of the field that contains the local name of the node.
static String MVP
          Name of the field that contains the names of multi-valued properties that hold more than one value.
static String NAMESPACE_URI
          Name of the field that contains the namespace URI of the node name.
static String PARENT
          Name of the field that contains the UUID of the parent node.
static String PROPERTIES
          Name of the field that contains all values of properties that are indexed as is without tokenizing.
static String PROPERTIES_SET
          Name of the field that contains the names of all properties that are set on an indexed node.
          Name of the field that contains the lengths of properties.
          Name of the field that marks nodes that require reindexing because the text extraction process timed out.
static String SHAREABLE_NODE
          Name of the field that marks shareable nodes.
static String UUID
          Name of the field that contains the UUID of the node.
static String WEAK_REFS
          Name of the field that contains all weak reference property values.
Method Summary
static String createNamedLength(String propertyName, long length)
          Returns a named length for use as a term in the index.
static String createNamedValue(String fieldName, String value)
          Returns a named value for use as a term in the index.
static int getNameLength(String namedValue)
          Returns the length of the field prefix in namedValue.
static boolean isFulltextField(String fieldName)
          Returns true if the given fieldName denotes a fulltext field like FULLTEXT or a field with a FULLTEXT_PREFIX.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String UUID
Name of the field that contains the UUID of the node. Terms are stored but not tokenized.


public static final String FULLTEXT
Name of the field that contains the fulltext index including terms from all properties of a node. Terms are tokenized.


public static final String FULLTEXT_PREFIX
Prefix for all field names that are fulltext indexed by property name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String PARENT
Name of the field that contains the UUID of the parent node. Terms are stored and but not tokenized.


public static final String LABEL
Name of the field that contains the label of the node. Terms are not tokenized.


public static final String LOCAL_NAME
Name of the field that contains the local name of the node. Terms are not tokenized.


public static final String NAMESPACE_URI
Name of the field that contains the namespace URI of the node name. Terms are not tokenized.


public static final String MVP
Name of the field that contains the names of multi-valued properties that hold more than one value. Terms are not tokenized and not stored, only indexed.


public static final String PROPERTIES
Name of the field that contains all values of properties that are indexed as is without tokenizing. Terms are prefixed with the property name.


public static final String PROPERTIES_SET
Name of the field that contains the names of all properties that are set on an indexed node.


public static final String AGGREGATED_NODE_UUID
Name of the field that contains the UUIDs of the aggregated nodes. The terms are not tokenized and not stored, only indexed.


public static final String PROPERTY_LENGTHS
Name of the field that contains the lengths of properties. The lengths are encoded using createNamedLength(String, long).


public static final String REINDEXING_REQUIRED
Name of the field that marks nodes that require reindexing because the text extraction process timed out. See also IndexingQueue.


public static final String SHAREABLE_NODE
Name of the field that marks shareable nodes.


public static final String WEAK_REFS
Name of the field that contains all weak reference property values.

Method Detail


public static String createNamedLength(String propertyName,
                                       long length)
Returns a named length for use as a term in the index. The named length is of the form: propertyName + '[' + LongField.longToString(long).

propertyName - a property name.
length - the length of the property value.
the named length string for use as a term in the index.


public static String createNamedValue(String fieldName,
                                      String value)
Returns a named value for use as a term in the index. The named value is of the form: fieldName + '[' + value

fieldName - the field name.
value - the value.
value prefixed with field name.


public static int getNameLength(String namedValue)
Returns the length of the field prefix in namedValue. See also createNamedValue(String, String). If namedValue does not contain a name prefix, this method return 0.

namedValue - the named value as created by createNamedValue(String, String).
the length of the field prefix including the separator char '['.


public static boolean isFulltextField(String fieldName)
Returns true if the given fieldName denotes a fulltext field like FULLTEXT or a field with a FULLTEXT_PREFIX.

fieldName - a field name.
true if fieldName is a fulltext field; false otherwise.

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