Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractJournal

Uses of AbstractJournal in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Subclasses of AbstractJournal in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal
 class DatabaseJournal
          Database-based journal implementation.
 class FileJournal
          File-based journal implementation that appends journal records to a single file.
 class JNDIDatabaseJournal
          Deprecated. This class should not be used because it is not database vendor specific. Each DatabaseJournal now supports getting the connection via JNDI by setting the driver to javax.naming.InitialContext and the URL to the JNDI name.

Database journal that uses JNDI to acquire the database connection. The JNDI location of the DataSource to be used in given as the dataSourceLocation configuration property.

WARNING: The acquired database connection is kept for the entire lifetime of the journal instance. The configured data source should be prepared for this.

 class MemoryJournal
          Memory-based journal, useful for testing purposes only.
 class MSSqlDatabaseJournal
          It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal: tableSpace: the MS SQL tablespace to use
 class OracleDatabaseJournal
          It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal: tableSpace: the Oracle tablespace to use

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type AbstractJournal
AppendRecord(AbstractJournal journal, String producerId)
          Create a new instance of this class.
DefaultRecordProducer(AbstractJournal journal, String id)
          Create a new instance of this class.

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