Uses of Class

Packages that use RepositoryConfig
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config Jackrabbit configuration handling. 

Uses of RepositoryConfig in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as RepositoryConfig
protected  RepositoryConfig RepositoryImpl.repConfig

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return RepositoryConfig
 RepositoryConfig RepositoryImpl.getConfig()
          Returns the configuration of this repository.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type RepositoryConfig
static void RepositoryCopier.copy(RepositoryConfig source, File target)
          Copies the contents of the repository with the given configuration to a repository in the given target directory.
static void RepositoryCopier.copy(RepositoryConfig source, RepositoryConfig target)
          Copies the contents of the source repository with the given configuration to a target repository with the given configuration.
static void RepositoryCopier.copy(RepositoryImpl source, RepositoryConfig target)
          Copies the contents of the given source repository to a target repository with the given configuration.
static RepositoryImpl RepositoryImpl.create(RepositoryConfig config)
          Creates a new RepositoryImpl instance.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type RepositoryConfig
RepositoryImpl(RepositoryConfig repConfig)
          Protected constructor.
TransientRepository(RepositoryConfig config)
          Creates a transient repository proxy that will use the given repository configuration to initialize the underlying repository instance.

Uses of RepositoryConfig in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config that return RepositoryConfig
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository in a given repository directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(File xml, File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the given configuration file and repository home directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource xml, Properties variables)
          Parses the given repository configuration document using the given parser variables.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource xml, String home)
          Convenience method that invokes the create(InputSource, Properties) method with the given repository home home directory path set as the ${rep.home} parser variable.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputStream input, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration input stream into an InputSource and invokes the create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(String file, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration file name into an InputSource and invokes the create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(URI uri, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration URI into an InputSource and invokes the create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository in a given repository directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(File xml, File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the given configuration file and repository home directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(Properties variables)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the home directory, configuration file, and other options as specified in the given configuration parser variables.
 RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseRepositoryConfig(InputSource xml)
          Parses repository configuration.

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