Uses of Class

Packages that use ConfigurationException
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config Jackrabbit configuration handling. 

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that throw ConfigurationException
TransientRepository(Properties properties)

Uses of ConfigurationException in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config that throw ConfigurationException
 void DataSourceConfig.addDataSourceDefinition(String name, Properties props)
          Adds a DataSourceDefinition from the given properties.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository in a given repository directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(File xml, File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the given configuration file and repository home directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource xml, Properties variables)
          Parses the given repository configuration document using the given parser variables.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource xml, String home)
          Convenience method that invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, Properties) method with the given repository home home directory path set as the ${rep.home} parser variable.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(InputStream input, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration input stream into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(String file, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration file name into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.create(URI uri, String home)
          Convenience method that wraps the configuration URI into an InputSource and invokes the RepositoryConfig.create(InputSource, String) method.
 WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfig.createWorkspaceConfig(String name, InputSource template)
          Creates a new workspace configuration with the specified name.
 WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfig.createWorkspaceConfig(String name, StringBuffer configContent)
          Creates a new workspace configuration with the specified name.
protected  String ConfigurationParser.getAttribute(Element element, String name)
          Returns the value of the named attribute of the given element.
protected  DataStoreFactory RepositoryConfigurationParser.getDataStoreFactory(Element parent, String directory)
          Parses data store configuration.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.getElement(Element parent, String name)
          Returns the named child of the given parent element.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.getElement(Element parent, String name, boolean required)
          Returns the named child of the given parent element.
protected  FileSystemFactory RepositoryConfigurationParser.getFileSystemFactory(Element parent, String name)
          Creates and returns a factory object that creates FileSystem instances based on the bean configuration at the named element.
protected  JournalFactory RepositoryConfigurationParser.getJournalFactory(Element cluster, File home, String id)
          Parses journal configuration.
 LoginModule LoginModuleConfig.getLoginModule()
 UserManager UserManagerConfig.getUserManager(Class<? extends UserManager> assignablefrom, Class<?>[] parameterTypes, Object... initArgs)
          Build a new UserManager instance based on this configuration.
 void RepositoryConfig.init()
          Initializes the repository configuration.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository in a given repository directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(File xml, File dir)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the given configuration file and repository home directory.
static RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfig.install(Properties variables)
          Returns the configuration of a repository with the home directory, configuration file, and other options as specified in the given configuration parser variables.
<T> T
BeanConfig.newInstance(Class<T> klass)
          Creates a new instance of the configured bean class.
 AccessManagerConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseAccessManagerConfig(Element security)
          Parses the access manager configuration.
protected  BeanConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseBeanConfig(Element element)
          Parses a named bean configuration from the given element.
protected  BeanConfig ConfigurationParser.parseBeanConfig(Element element)
          Parses a named bean configuration from the given element.
protected  BeanConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseBeanConfig(Element parent, String name)
          Parses a named bean configuration from the given element.
protected  BeanConfig ConfigurationParser.parseBeanConfig(Element parent, String name)
          Parses a named bean configuration from the given element.
protected  ClusterConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseClusterConfig(Element parent, File home)
          Parses cluster configuration.
protected  DataSourceConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseDataSourceConfig(Element parent)
          Parses the DataSources configuration under the given parent.
 ImportConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseImportConfig(Element parent)
          Read the optional Import Element of Workspace's configuration.
 LoginModuleConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseLoginModuleConfig(Element security)
          Parses the login module configuration.
protected  Properties ConfigurationParser.parseParameters(Element element)
          Parses the configuration parameters of the given element.
protected  PersistenceManagerConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parsePersistenceManagerConfig(Element parent)
          Parses the PersistenceManager config.
 RepositoryConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseRepositoryConfig(InputSource xml)
          Parses repository configuration.
 SecurityConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseSecurityConfig(Element security)
          Parses security configuration.
 SecurityManagerConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseSecurityManagerConfig(Element security)
          Parses the security manager configuration.
protected  VersioningConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseVersioningConfig(Element parent)
          Parses versioning configuration.
protected  WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseWorkspaceConfig(Element root)
          Parse workspace config.
 WorkspaceConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseWorkspaceConfig(InputSource xml)
          Parses workspace configuration.
 WorkspaceSecurityConfig RepositoryConfigurationParser.parseWorkspaceSecurityConfig(Element parent)
          Read the optional WorkspaceSecurity Element of Workspace's configuration.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.parseXML(InputSource xml)
          Parses the given XML document and returns the DOM root element.
protected  Element ConfigurationParser.parseXML(InputSource xml, boolean validate)
          Parses the given XML document and returns the DOM root element.
protected  String ConfigurationParser.replaceVariables(String value)
          Performs variable replacement on the given string value.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config that throw ConfigurationException
DataSourceConfig.DataSourceDefinition(String name, Properties props)
          Creates a DataSourceDefinition from the given properties and throws a ConfigurationException when the set of properties does not satisfy some validity constraints.

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