Class AbstractCache

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cache.AbstractCache
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractCache
extends Object
implements Cache

Abstract base class for managed Caches. This class uses atomic variables to track the current and maximum size of the cache, the cache access count and a possible CacheAccessListener instance.

A subclass should call the protected recordCacheAccess() method whenever the cache is accessed (even cache misses should be reported). The subclass should also use the recordSizeChange(long) method to record all changes in the cache size, and automatically evict excess items when the isTooBig() method returns true.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void dispose()
 long getAccessCount()
          Get the number of accesses (get or set) until resetAccessCount was called.
 long getMaxMemorySize()
          Get the current limit.
 long getMemoryUsed()
          Get the amount of used memory.
protected  boolean isTooBig()
          Checks whether the current estimate of the amount of memory used by this cache exceeds the allocated maximum amount of memory.
protected  void recordCacheAccess()
          Records a single cache access and calls the configured CacheAccessListener (if any) whenever the constant access interval has passed since the previous listener call.
protected  void recordSizeChange(long delta)
          Updates the current memory use estimate of this cache.
 void resetAccessCount()
          Reset the access counter.
 void setAccessListener(CacheAccessListener listener)
          Set the cache access listener.
 void setMaxMemorySize(long size)
          Set the new memory limit.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public AbstractCache()
Method Detail


protected boolean isTooBig()
Checks whether the current estimate of the amount of memory used by this cache exceeds the allocated maximum amount of memory.

true if the cache size is too big, false otherwise


protected void recordSizeChange(long delta)
Updates the current memory use estimate of this cache.

delta - number of bytes added or removed


protected void recordCacheAccess()
Records a single cache access and calls the configured CacheAccessListener (if any) whenever the constant access interval has passed since the previous listener call.


public long getAccessCount()
Description copied from interface: Cache
Get the number of accesses (get or set) until resetAccessCount was called.

Specified by:
getAccessCount in interface Cache
the count


public void resetAccessCount()
Description copied from interface: Cache
Reset the access counter.

Specified by:
resetAccessCount in interface Cache


public long getMemoryUsed()
Description copied from interface: Cache
Get the amount of used memory.

Specified by:
getMemoryUsed in interface Cache
the size in bytes


public long getMaxMemorySize()
Description copied from interface: Cache
Get the current limit.

Specified by:
getMaxMemorySize in interface Cache
the size in bytes


public void setMaxMemorySize(long size)
Description copied from interface: Cache
Set the new memory limit.

Specified by:
setMaxMemorySize in interface Cache
size - the size in bytes


public void setAccessListener(CacheAccessListener listener)
Set the cache access listener. Only one listener per cache is supported.

Specified by:
setAccessListener in interface Cache
listener - the new listener


public void dispose()

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