Package org.apache.jackrabbit.api

Contains set of interfaces that form the Jackrabbit-specific extensions to the JCR API


Interface Summary
JackrabbitNode The Jackrabbit Node interface.
JackrabbitNodeTypeManager Deprecated. Use standard JCR 2.0 API methods defined by NodeTypeManager instead.
JackrabbitRepository The Jackrabbit repository interface.
JackrabbitRepositoryFactory Classes that implement this interface additionally provide management features.
JackrabbitSession JackrabbitSession...
JackrabbitValue Values returned by Jackrabbit may implement this interface.
JackrabbitWorkspace The Jackrabbit workspace interface.
XASession Deprecated. An XA-enabled session should directly implement the XAResource interface

Package org.apache.jackrabbit.api Description

Contains set of interfaces that form the Jackrabbit-specific extensions to the JCR API

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