Package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.nodetype

Class Summary
CanAddChildNodeCallWithNodeTypeTest Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName, String nodeTypeName) returns true if a node of name childNodeName and of node type childNodeName could be added to a node of type NodeType.
CanAddChildNodeCallWithoutNodeTypeTest Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName) returns true if a node of name childNodeName could be added to a node of type NodeType.
CanRemoveItemTest Tests that NodeType.canRemoveItem(String) returns true node or property is removable (same for NodeType.canRemoveNode(String) and NodeType.canRemoveProperty(String)).
CanSetPropertyBinaryTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Binary.
CanSetPropertyBooleanTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Boolean.
CanSetPropertyDateTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Date.
CanSetPropertyDoubleTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Double.
CanSetPropertyLongTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Long.
CanSetPropertyMultipleTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values)
CanSetPropertyNameTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Name.
CanSetPropertyPathTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyNa me, Value[] values) where property is of type Path.
CanSetPropertyStringTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type String.
CanSetPropertyTest Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value)
NodeDefTest Tests if node definitions are respected in node instances in the workspace.
NodeTypeCreationTest Tests the node type creation functionality of the NodeTypeManager.
NodeTypeManagerTest Tests if the NodeTypeManager properly returns primary types an mixin types.
NodeTypeTest Tests if the node type hierarchy is correctly mapped to the methods defined in NodeType.
NodeTypeUtil Utility class to locate item definitions in the NodeTyeManager.
PredefinedNodeTypeTest PredefinedNodeTypeTest tests if the predefined node types are implemented correctly.
PropertyDefTest Tests if property definitions are properly defined.
TestAll Test suite that includes all testcases for the package javax.jcr.nodetype.

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