Uses of Package

Packages that use org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.client.methods This package contains classes and utilities used to build a WebDAV client implementation.
Currently it consists of DAV-specific extensions to the Jakarta Commons HttpClient, namely a set of methods. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr Contains JCR specific implementations. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.version Contains JCR specific implementations for the following interfaces: VersionableResource VersionControlledResource VersionResource VersionHistoryResource  
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version Interfaces and classes used to cover functionality defined by RFC 3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV Report interface and inplementation for default reports defined by RFC 3253. 

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav
          DeltaVServletRequest provides extension useful for functionality related to RFC 3253.
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
          OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
          UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.client.methods
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
          OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
          OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
          UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr
          The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
          UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
          VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic DeltaVResource, that allows to adding version-control support.
          The VersionControlledResource represents in contrast to the VersionableResource a resource, that has already been put under version-control.
          VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
          A workspace resource is a collection whose members are related version-controlled and non-version-controlled resources.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.version
          The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
          VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular state of a version-controlled resource.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple
          The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
          OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
          OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
          UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
          VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic DeltaVResource, that allows to adding version-control support.
          The VersionControlledResource represents in contrast to the VersionableResource a resource, that has already been put under version-control.
          VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
          VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular state of a version-controlled resource.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version
          DeltaVConstants defines the following headers and properties required for any resource that is complient to RFC 3253:

          The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.
          LabelInfo encapsulates the request body of a LABEL request used to add, set or remove a label from the requested version resource or from that version specified with the Label header in case the requested resource is a version-controlled resource.

The request body (thus the 'labelElement' passed to the constructore must be a DAV:label element:
          MergeInfo encapsulates the information present in the DAV:merge element, that forms the mandatory request body of a MERGE request.
The DAV:merge element is specified to have the following form.
          OptionsInfo represents the Xml request body, that may be present with a OPTIONS request.
          OptionsResponse encapsulates the DAV:options-response element present in the response body of a successful OPTIONS request (with body).
          UpdateInfo encapsulates the request body of an UPDATE request.
          VersionableResource represents an extension to the basic DeltaVResource, that allows to adding version-control support.
          VersionHistoryResource represents a collection that has all versions of a given version-controlled resource as members.
          VersionResource is a resource that contains a copy of a particular state of a version-controlled resource.

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version used by
          DeltaVConstants defines the following headers and properties required for any resource that is complient to RFC 3253:

          The DeltaVResource encapsultes the functionality common to all DeltaV compliant resources.

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