Package org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2dav

Class Summary
EventImpl EventImpl...
EventSubscriptionImpl EventSubscriptionImpl...
ExceptionConverter ExceptionConverter...
LockInfoImpl LockInfoImpl...
NodeInfoImpl NodeInfoImpl...
PropertyInfoImpl PropertyInfoImpl...
QItemDefinitionImpl This abstract class implements the QItemDefinition interface and additionally provides setter methods for the various item definition attributes.
QNodeDefinitionImpl This class implements the QNodeDefinition interface and additionally provides setter methods for the various node definition attributes.
QNodeTypeDefinitionImpl A QNodeTypeDefinitionImpl holds the definition of a node type.
QPropertyDefinitionImpl This class implements the QPropertyDefinition interface and additionally provides setter methods for the various property definition attributes.
QueryInfoImpl QueryInfoImpl...
QueryResultRowImpl QueryResultRowImpl implements a QueryResultRow that is initialized from a multi status response.
RepositoryServiceImpl RepositoryServiceImpl...
SessionInfoImpl SessionInfoImpl...
Spi2davRepositoryServiceFactory This RepositoryServiceFactory implementation is responsible for creating RepositoryServiceImpl instances.

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