Package org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.batch

Interface Summary
ChangeLog A ChangeLog is a specialized Batch which keeps a list of Operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperation This class represent an Operation which can be cancelled by another operation or which cancels another operation.
Operation An Operation represents a method call on a Batch.

Class Summary
AbstractChangeLog<T extends Operation> This base class for ChangeLog implementations maintains a list of operations of type type T.
ChangeLogImpl This ChangeLog implementation simply keeps back all calls to its Batch methods as a list of AbstractChangeLog.operations (with item of type Operation).
ConsolidatingChangeLog A ChangeLog implementation which does basic consolidation on its Operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations Factory for creating CancelableOperations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.AddNode An AddNode operation is is cancelled by a Remove operation higher up the tree.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.AddProperty AddProperty operations might cancel with Remove and SetValue operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Empty An Empty operation never cancels another operation and is never cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Move An Move operation never cancels another operation and is never cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.Remove An Remove operation never cancels another operation and is never cancelled by any other operation.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.ReorderNodes A ReorderNodes operation might cancel with Remove and ReorderNodes operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetMixins A SetMixins operation might cancel with Remove and SetMixins operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetPrimaryType A SetPrimaryType operation might cancel with Remove and SetPrimaryType operations.
ConsolidatingChangeLog.CancelableOperations.SetValue A SetValue operation might cancel with Remove and SetValue operations.
Operations Factory for creating Operations.
Operations.AddNode Representative of an add-node Operation which calls Batch.addNode(NodeId, Name, Name, String) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.AddProperty Representative of an add-property Operation which calls Batch.addProperty(NodeId, Name, QValue) or Batch.addProperty(NodeId, Name, QValue[]) depending on whether the property is multi valued or not when applied to a Batch.
Operations.Empty Representative of the empty Operation which does nothing when applied to a Batch.
Operations.Move Representative of a move Operation which calls Batch.move(NodeId, NodeId, Name) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.Remove Representative of a remove Operation which calls Batch.remove(ItemId) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.ReorderNodes Representative of a reorder-nodes Operation which calls Batch.reorderNodes(NodeId, NodeId, NodeId) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.SetMixins Representative of a set-mixin Operation which calls Batch.setMixins(NodeId, Name[]) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.SetPrimaryType Representative of a set-mixin Operation which calls Batch.setMixins(NodeId, Name[]) when applied to a Batch.
Operations.SetValue Representative of a set-value Operation which calls Batch.setValue(PropertyId, QValue) or Batch.setValue(PropertyId, QValue[]) depending on whether the property is multi valued or not when applied to a Batch.

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