Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util

Interface Summary
Dumpable Utility interface for internal use.
RepositoryLockMechanism Exclusive lock on a repository home directory.
RepositoryLockMechanismFactory Factory interface for creating RepositoryLockMechanism instances.
StringIndex A persistent two-way mapping between strings and index integers.

Class Summary
CooperativeFileLock The file lock is used to ensure a resource is only open once at any time.
DOMBuilder Document builder class.
DOMWalker Document walker class.
EmptyLinkedMap EmptyLinkedMap implements an empty unmodifiable LinkedMap.
ReferenceChangeTracker Simple helper class that can be used to keep track of node id mappings (e.g.
RepositoryLock Exclusive lock on a repository home directory.
TrackingInputStream Implements a input stream that keeps track of the number of bytes read.

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