Uses of Package

Packages that use
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API.   

Classes in used by org.apache.jackrabbit.core
          Default implementation of the UserManager interface with the following characteristics: Users and Groups are stored in the repository as JCR nodes. Users are created below UserConstants.USERS_PATH,
Groups are created below UserConstants.GROUPS_PATH (unless otherwise configured). The Id of an authorizable is stored in the jcr:uuid property (md5 hash). In order to structure the users and groups tree and avoid creating a flat hierarchy, additional hierarchy nodes of type "rep:AuthorizableFolder" are introduced using the specified intermediate path passed to the create methods or some built-in logic if the intermediate path is missing. The built-in logic applies the following rules: The names of the hierarchy folders is determined from ID of the authorizable to be created, consisting of the leading N chars where N is the relative depth starting from the node at UserManagerImpl.getUsersPath() or UserManagerImpl.getGroupsPath(). By default 2 levels (depth == 2) are created. Parent nodes are expected to consist of folder structure only. If the ID contains invalid JCR chars that would prevent the creation of a Node with that name, the names of authorizable node and the intermediate hierarchy nodes are escaped. Examples: Creating an non-existing user with ID 'aSmith' without specifying an intermediate path would result in the following structure:

Classes in used by
          Default implementation of the UserManager interface with the following characteristics: Users and Groups are stored in the repository as JCR nodes. Users are created below UserConstants.USERS_PATH,
Groups are created below UserConstants.GROUPS_PATH (unless otherwise configured). The Id of an authorizable is stored in the jcr:uuid property (md5 hash). In order to structure the users and groups tree and avoid creating a flat hierarchy, additional hierarchy nodes of type "rep:AuthorizableFolder" are introduced using the specified intermediate path passed to the create methods or some built-in logic if the intermediate path is missing. The built-in logic applies the following rules: The names of the hierarchy folders is determined from ID of the authorizable to be created, consisting of the leading N chars where N is the relative depth starting from the node at UserManagerImpl.getUsersPath() or UserManagerImpl.getGroupsPath(). By default 2 levels (depth == 2) are created. Parent nodes are expected to consist of folder structure only. If the ID contains invalid JCR chars that would prevent the creation of a Node with that name, the names of authorizable node and the intermediate hierarchy nodes are escaped. Examples: Creating an non-existing user with ID 'aSmith' without specifying an intermediate path would result in the following structure:

Classes in used by
          Default implementation of the UserManager interface with the following characteristics: Users and Groups are stored in the repository as JCR nodes. Users are created below UserConstants.USERS_PATH,
Groups are created below UserConstants.GROUPS_PATH (unless otherwise configured). The Id of an authorizable is stored in the jcr:uuid property (md5 hash). In order to structure the users and groups tree and avoid creating a flat hierarchy, additional hierarchy nodes of type "rep:AuthorizableFolder" are introduced using the specified intermediate path passed to the create methods or some built-in logic if the intermediate path is missing. The built-in logic applies the following rules: The names of the hierarchy folders is determined from ID of the authorizable to be created, consisting of the leading N chars where N is the relative depth starting from the node at UserManagerImpl.getUsersPath() or UserManagerImpl.getGroupsPath(). By default 2 levels (depth == 2) are created. Parent nodes are expected to consist of folder structure only. If the ID contains invalid JCR chars that would prevent the creation of a Node with that name, the names of authorizable node and the intermediate hierarchy nodes are escaped. Examples: Creating an non-existing user with ID 'aSmith' without specifying an intermediate path would result in the following structure:

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