Uses of Class

Packages that use DataIdentifier   

Uses of DataIdentifier in

Fields in with type parameters of type DataIdentifier
protected  Map<DataIdentifier,WeakReference<DataIdentifier>> FileDataStore.inUse
          All data identifiers that are currently in use are in this set until they are garbage collected.
protected  Map<DataIdentifier,WeakReference<DataIdentifier>> FileDataStore.inUse
          All data identifiers that are currently in use are in this set until they are garbage collected.

Methods in that return DataIdentifier
 DataIdentifier AbstractDataRecord.getIdentifier()
          Returns the data identifier.
 DataIdentifier DataRecord.getIdentifier()
          Returns the identifier of this record.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataIdentifier
 Iterator<DataIdentifier> DataStore.getAllIdentifiers()
          Get all identifiers.
 Iterator<DataIdentifier> FileDataStore.getAllIdentifiers()
          Get all identifiers.

Methods in with parameters of type DataIdentifier
 DataRecord DataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the identified data record.
 DataRecord FileDataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the record with the given identifier.
 DataRecord DataStore.getRecordIfStored(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Check if a record for the given identifier exists, and return it if yes.
 DataRecord FileDataStore.getRecordIfStored(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Check if a record for the given identifier exists, and return it if yes.

Constructors in with parameters of type DataIdentifier
AbstractDataRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Creates a data record with the given identifier.
FileDataRecord(DataIdentifier identifier, File file)
          Creates a data record based on the given identifier and file.

Uses of DataIdentifier in

Fields in declared as DataIdentifier
protected  DataIdentifier DbInputStream.identifier

Fields in with type parameters of type DataIdentifier
protected  Map<DataIdentifier,WeakReference<DataIdentifier>> DbDataStore.inUse
          All data identifiers that are currently in use are in this set until they are garbage collected.
protected  Map<DataIdentifier,WeakReference<DataIdentifier>> DbDataStore.inUse
          All data identifiers that are currently in use are in this set until they are garbage collected.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type DataIdentifier
 Iterator<DataIdentifier> DbDataStore.getAllIdentifiers()
          Get all identifiers.

Methods in with parameters of type DataIdentifier
 DataRecord DbDataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the identified data record.
 DataRecord DbDataStore.getRecordIfStored(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Check if a record for the given identifier exists, and return it if yes.
protected  void DbDataStore.usesIdentifier(DataIdentifier identifier)

Constructors in with parameters of type DataIdentifier
DbDataRecord(DbDataStore store, DataIdentifier identifier, long length, long lastModified)
          Creates a data record based on the given identifier and length.
DbInputStream(DbDataStore store, DataIdentifier identifier)
          Create a database input stream for the given identifier.

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