Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.cluster

Interface Summary
ClusterContext Initial interface passed to a ClusterNode.
ClusterOperation Cluster operation that will be written to the cluster's journal and ultimately processed by other instances.
ClusterRecordProcessor Cluster record processor.
LockEventChannel Event channel used to transmit lock events.
LockEventListener Interface used to receive information about incoming, external lock events.
NamespaceEventChannel Event channel used to transmit namespace registry operations.
NamespaceEventListener Interface used to receive information about incoming, external namespace registry events.
NodeTypeEventChannel Event channel used to transmit nodetype registry operations.
NodeTypeEventListener Interface used to receive information about incoming, external node type registry events.
Update Update operation passed in UpdateEventChannel.
UpdateEventChannel Event channel used to transmit update operations.
UpdateEventListener Interface used to receive information about incoming, external update events.
WorkspaceEventChannel Event channel for reporting workspace change events.
WorkspaceListener Listener for external workspace changes.

Class Summary
ChangeLogRecord Cluster record representing a workspace or version update.
ClusterNode Default clustered node implementation.
ClusterRecord Base cluster record.
ClusterRecordDeserializer Deserialize a record written by a ClusterNode.
DefaultClusterOperation Default cluster operation implementation.
LockRecord Cluster record representing a lock or unlock operation.
NamespaceRecord Cluster record representing a namespace registration, reregistration or unregistration.
NodeTypeRecord Cluster record representing a node type registration, re-registration or unregistration.
WorkspaceRecord Record for propagating workspace modifications across the cluster.
WorkspaceRecord.Action Base workspace action

Exception Summary
ClusterException The ClusterException signals an error within a cluster operation.

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