Uses of Class

Packages that use RepositoryImpl
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API.   

Uses of RepositoryImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core declared as RepositoryImpl
protected  RepositoryImpl ItemImpl.rep
          the Repository object
protected  RepositoryImpl SessionImpl.rep
          the repository that issued this session
protected  RepositoryImpl WorkspaceImpl.rep
          The repository that created this workspace instance

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return RepositoryImpl
static RepositoryImpl RepositoryImpl.create(RepositoryConfig config)
          Creates a new RepositoryImpl instance.
 RepositoryImpl TransientRepository.RepositoryFactory.getRepository()
          Creates and initializes a repository instance.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type RepositoryImpl
static void RepositoryCopier.copy(RepositoryImpl source, File target)
          Copies the contents of the given source repository to a repository in the given target directory.
static void RepositoryCopier.copy(RepositoryImpl source, RepositoryConfig target)
          Copies the contents of the given source repository to a target repository with the given configuration.
protected  InternalVersionManager XASessionImpl.createVersionManager(RepositoryImpl rep)
          Create the version manager.
protected  InternalVersionManager SessionImpl.createVersionManager(RepositoryImpl rep)
          Create the version manager.
protected  WorkspaceImpl XASessionImpl.createWorkspaceInstance(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Creates the workspace instance backing this session.
protected  WorkspaceImpl SessionImpl.createWorkspaceInstance(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Creates the workspace instance backing this session.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type RepositoryImpl
RepositoryCopier(RepositoryImpl source, RepositoryImpl target)
          Creates a tool for copying the full contents of the source repository to the given target repository.
SessionImpl(RepositoryImpl rep, AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Protected constructor.
SessionImpl(RepositoryImpl rep, Subject subject, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Protected constructor.
WorkspaceImpl(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Protected constructor.
XASessionImpl(RepositoryImpl rep, AuthContext loginContext, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Create a new instance of this class.
XASessionImpl(RepositoryImpl rep, Subject subject, WorkspaceConfig wspConfig)
          Create a new instance of this class.
XAWorkspace(WorkspaceConfig wspConfig, SharedItemStateManager stateMgr, RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session)
          Protected constructor.

Uses of RepositoryImpl in

Constructors in with parameters of type RepositoryImpl
GarbageCollector(RepositoryImpl rep, SessionImpl session, IterablePersistenceManager[] list, Session[] sessionList)
          Create a new garbage collector.

Uses of RepositoryImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.jca

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jca that return RepositoryImpl
 RepositoryImpl JCARepositoryManager.createRepository(String homeDir, String configFile)
          Create repository.
 RepositoryImpl JCAManagedConnectionFactory.getRepository()
          Return the repository.

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