Uses of Interface

Packages that use StaticOperand

Uses of StaticOperand in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.jsr283.qom

Subinterfaces of StaticOperand in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.jsr283.qom
 interface BindVariableValue
          Evaluates to the value of a bind variable.
 interface Literal
          Evaluates to a Literal value.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.jsr283.qom that return StaticOperand
 StaticOperand Comparison.getOperand2()
          Gets the second operand.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.jsr283.qom with parameters of type StaticOperand
 Comparison QueryObjectModelFactory.comparison(DynamicOperand operand1, int operator, StaticOperand operand2)
          Filters node-tuples based on the outcome of a binary operation.

Uses of StaticOperand in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom that implement StaticOperand
 class BindVariableValueImpl
 class LiteralImpl
 class StaticOperandImpl

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom that return StaticOperand
 StaticOperand ComparisonImpl.getOperand2()
          Gets the second operand.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom with parameters of type StaticOperand
 Comparison QueryObjectModelFactoryImpl.comparison(DynamicOperand operand1, int operator, StaticOperand operand2)
          Filters node-tuples based on the outcome of a binary operation.

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