Uses of Class

Packages that use MalformedPathException
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 

Uses of MalformedPathException in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that throw MalformedPathException
 Path SessionImpl.getQPath(String path)
protected  void HierarchyManagerImpl.pathResolved(ItemId id, PathBuilder builder)
          Called by HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path.Element[], int, ItemId, int).
protected  void CachingHierarchyManager.pathResolved(ItemId id, PathBuilder builder)
          Called by HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path.Element[], int, ItemId, int).
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path.Element[] elements, int next, ItemId id, int typesAllowed)
          Internal implementation that iteratively resolves a path into an item.

Uses of MalformedPathException in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion that throw MalformedPathException
static void PathParser.checkFormat(String jcrPath)
          Check the format of the given jcr path.
 Path PathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Returns the qualified path for the given prefixed JCR path.
 Path ParsingPathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Parses the prefixed JCR path and returns the resolved qualified path.
 Path DefaultNamePathResolver.getQPath(String path)
 Path CachingPathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Returns the qualified path for the given prefixed JCR path.
static Path PathParser.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NameResolver resolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses the give jcrPath and returns a Path.
static Path PathParser.parse(String jcrPath, NameResolver resolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses jcrPath into a qualified path using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.

Uses of MalformedPathException in

Methods in that throw MalformedPathException
 Path PathMap.Element.getPath()
          Return the path of this element.
 Path PathBuilder.getPath()
          Assembles the built path and returns a new Path.

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