Uses of Class

Packages that use NameException   

Uses of NameException in

Subclasses of NameException in
 class IllegalNameException
          Deprecated. Use the IllegalNameException class from the org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion package of the jackrabbit-spi-commons component.
 class MalformedPathException
          Deprecated. Use the MalformedPathException class from the org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion package of the jackrabbit-spi-commons component.
 class NoPrefixDeclaredException
 class UnknownPrefixException

Methods in that throw NameException
 QName ParsingNameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Deprecated. Parses the prefixed JCR name and returns the resolved qualified name.
 QName NameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Deprecated. Returns the qualified name for the given prefixed JCR name.
 QName CachingNameResolver.getQName(String name)
          Deprecated. Returns the qualified name for the given prefixed JCR name.
 Path PathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Deprecated. Returns the qualified path for the given prefixed JCR path.
 Path ParsingPathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Deprecated. Parses the prefixed JCR path and returns the resolved qualified path.
 Path CachingPathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Deprecated. Returns the qualified path for the given prefixed JCR path.

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