Uses of Class

Packages that use MalformedPathException   

Uses of MalformedPathException in

Methods in that throw MalformedPathException
static void PathFormat.checkFormat(String jcrPath)
          Deprecated. Checks if jcrPath is a valid JCR-style absolute or relative path.
static void Path.checkFormat(String jcrPath)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat.checkFormat(String) instead.
 Path Path.computeRelativePath(Path other)
          Deprecated. Computes the relative path from this absolute path to other.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Deprecated. Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the given relative path string.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, boolean normalize)
          Deprecated. Creates a new Path out of the given parent path string and the give name.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, QName name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Deprecated. Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and index.
static Path Path.create(Path parent, String relJCRPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean canonicalize)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat.parse(Path, String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
static Path Path.create(String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean normalize)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat#parse(String, NamespaceResolver)} instead.
 Path Path.getCanonicalPath()
          Deprecated. Returns the canonical path representation of this path.
 Path Path.getNormalizedPath()
          Deprecated. Returns the normalized path representation of this path.
 Path Path.PathBuilder.getPath()
          Assembles the built path and returns a new Path.
 boolean Path.isAncestorOf(Path other)
          Deprecated. Determines if this path is an ancestor of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by Path.getDepth().
 boolean Path.isDescendantOf(Path other)
          Deprecated. Determines if this path is a descendant of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by Path.getDepth().
static Path PathFormat.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Parses the give jcrPath and returns a Path.
static Path PathFormat.parse(String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Parses jcrPath into a qualified path using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.

Uses of MalformedPathException in org.apache.jackrabbit.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.util that throw MalformedPathException
 Path PathMap.Element.getPath()
          Return the path of this element.

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