Package org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi

Interface Summary
ItemCache ItemCache...
ItemLifeCycleListener The ItemLifeCycleListener interface allows an implementing object to be informed about changes on an Item instance.
ItemManager There's one ItemManager instance per Session instance.
ManagerProvider ManagerProvider...
NamespaceStorage NamespaceStorage...
SessionListener The SessionListener interface allows an implementing object to be informed about changes on a Session.
XASession The XASession interface extends the capability of Session by adding access to a JCR repository's support for the Java Transaction API (JTA).

Class Summary
ItemCacheImpl ItemCacheImpl...
ItemImpl ItemImpl...
ItemManagerImpl ItemManagerImpl implements the ItemManager interface.
LazyItemIterator LazyItemIterator is an id-based iterator that instantiates the Items only when they are requested.
NamespaceRegistryImpl NamespaceRegistryImpl implements the JCR client facing NamespaceRegistry.
NodeImpl NodeImpl...
PropertyImpl PropertyImpl...
RepositoryImpl RepositoryImpl...
RepositoryImpl.Factory Implementation of ObjectFactory for repository instances.
SessionImpl SessionImpl...
WorkspaceImpl WorkspaceImpl...
WorkspaceManager WorkspaceManager...
XASessionImpl XASessionImpl extends the regular session implementation with access to the XAResource.

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