Class LockManagerImpl

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.lock.LockManagerImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
LockManager, SessionListener

public class LockManagerImpl
extends Object
implements LockManager, LockManager, SessionListener

LockManagerImpl... TODO: TOBEFIXED. Lock objects obtained through this mgr are not informed if another session is or becomes lock-holder and removes the lock again.

Constructor Summary
LockManagerImpl(WorkspaceManager wspManager, ItemManager itemManager, CacheBehaviour cacheBehaviour, PathResolver pathResolver)
Method Summary
 void addLockToken(String lt)
          Delegates this call to WorkspaceManager.addLockToken(String).
 void checkLock(NodeState nodeState)
          Check whether the given node state is locked by somebody else than the current session.
 Lock getLock(NodeState nodeState)
          If the session created a lock on the node with the given state, we already know the lock.
 Lock getLock(String absPath)
          Returns the Lock object that applies to the node at the specified absPath.
 String[] getLockTokens()
          Returns the lock tokens present on the SessionInfo this manager has been created with.
 boolean holdsLock(String absPath)
          Returns true if the node at absPath holds a lock; otherwise returns false.
 boolean isLocked(NodeState nodeState)
          Returns true if this node is locked either as a result of a lock held by this node or by a deep lock on a node above this node; otherwise returns false.
 boolean isLocked(String absPath)
          Returns true if the node at absPath is locked either as a result of a lock held by that node or by a deep lock on a node above that node; otherwise returns false.
 Lock lock(NodeState nodeState, boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped)
          Lock a node.
 Lock lock(NodeState nodeState, boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped, long timeoutHint, String ownerHint)
          Lock a node.
 Lock lock(String absPath, boolean isDeep, boolean isSessionScoped, long timeoutHint, String ownerInfo)
           Places a lock on the node at absPath.
 void loggedOut(Session session)
          Called when a Session has been 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
 void loggingOut(Session session)
          Called when a Session is about to be 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
 void removeLockToken(String lt)
          If the lock addressed by the token is session-scoped, this method will throw a LockException, such as defined by JSR170 v.1.0.1 for Session.removeLockToken(String).
 void unlock(NodeState nodeState)
          Removes the lock on a node.
 void unlock(String absPath)
          Removes the lock on the node at absPath.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public LockManagerImpl(WorkspaceManager wspManager,
                       ItemManager itemManager,
                       CacheBehaviour cacheBehaviour,
                       PathResolver pathResolver)
Method Detail


public Lock getLock(String absPath)
             throws LockException,
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns the Lock object that applies to the node at the specified absPath. This may be either a lock on that node itself or a deep lock on a node above that node.

If the node is not locked (no lock applies to this node), a LockException is thrown.

If the current session does not have sufficient privileges to get the lock, an AccessDeniedException is thrown.

An UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException is thrown if this implementation does not support locking.

A RepositoryException is thrown if another error occurs.

Specified by:
getLock in interface LockManager
absPath - absolute path of node for which to obtain the lock
The applicable Lock object.
LockException - if no lock applies to this node.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if this implementation does not support locking.
AccessDeniedException - if the current session does not have permission to get the lock.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
See Also:


public boolean isLocked(String absPath)
                 throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns true if the node at absPath is locked either as a result of a lock held by that node or by a deep lock on a node above that node; otherwise returns false.

Specified by:
isLocked in interface LockManager
absPath - absolute path of node
a boolean.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
See Also:


public boolean holdsLock(String absPath)
                  throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns true if the node at absPath holds a lock; otherwise returns false. To hold a lock means that this node has actually had a lock placed on it specifically, as opposed to just having a lock apply to it due to a deep lock held by a node above.

Specified by:
holdsLock in interface LockManager
absPath - absolute path of node
a boolean.
RepositoryException - if an error occurs.
See Also:


public Lock lock(String absPath,
                 boolean isDeep,
                 boolean isSessionScoped,
                 long timeoutHint,
                 String ownerInfo)
          throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: LockManager

Places a lock on the node at absPath. If successful, the node is said to hold the lock.

If isDeep is true then the lock applies to the specified node and all its descendant nodes; if false, the lock applies only to the specified node. On a successful lock, the jcr:isDeep property of the locked node is set to this value.

If isSessionScoped is true then this lock will expire upon the expiration of the current session (either through an automatic or explicit Session.logout); if false, this lock does not expire until it is explicitly unlocked, it times out, or it is automatically unlocked due to a implementation-specific limitation.

The timeout parameter specifies the number of seconds until the lock times out (if it is not refreshed with Lock.refresh in the meantime). An implementation may use this information as a hint or ignore it altogether. Clients can discover the actual timeout by inspecting the returned Lock object.

The ownerInfo parameter can be used to pass a string holding owner information relevant to the client. An implementation may either use or ignore this parameter. If it uses the parameter it must set the jcr:lockOwner property of the locked node to this value and return this value on Lock.getLockOwner. If it ignores this parameter the jcr:lockOwner property (and the value returned by Lock.getLockOwner) is set to either the value returned by Session.getUserID of the owning session or an implementation-specific string identifying the owner.

The method returns a Lock object representing the new lock. If the lock is open-scoped the returned lock will include a lock token. The lock token is also automatically added to the set of lock tokens held by the current session.

The addition or change of the properties jcr:isDeep and jcr:lockOwner are persisted immediately; there is no need to call save.

It is possible to lock a node even if it is checked-in.

If this node is not of mixin node type mix:lockable then an LockException is thrown.

If this node is already locked (either because it holds a lock or a lock above it applies to it), a LockException is thrown.

If isDeep is true and a descendant node of this node already holds a lock, then a LockException is thrown.

If this node does not have a persistent state (has never been saved or otherwise persisted), a LockException is thrown.

If the current session does not have sufficient privileges to place the lock, an AccessDeniedException is thrown.

An UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException is thrown if this implementation does not support locking.

An InvalidItemStateException is thrown if this node has pending unsaved changes.

A RepositoryException is thrown if another error occurs.

Specified by:
lock in interface LockManager
absPath - absolute path of node to be locked
isDeep - if true this lock will apply to this node and all its descendants; if false, it applies only to this node.
isSessionScoped - if true, this lock expires with the current session; if false it expires when explicitly or automatically unlocked for some other reason.
timeoutHint - desired lock timeout in seconds (servers are free to ignore this value); specify Long.MAX_VALUE for no timeout.
ownerInfo - a string containing owner information supplied by the client; servers are free to ignore this value.
A Lock object containing a lock token.
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if this implementation does not support locking.
LockException - if this node is not mix:lockable or this node is already locked or isDeep is true and a descendant node of this node already holds a lock.
AccessDeniedException - if this session does not have permission to lock this node.
InvalidItemStateException - if this node has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
See Also:
LockManager.lock(String, boolean, boolean, long, String)


public void unlock(String absPath)
            throws LockException,
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Removes the lock on the node at absPath. Also removes the properties jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep from that node. As well, the corresponding lock token is removed from the set of lock tokens held by the current Session.

If the node does not currently hold a lock or holds a lock for which this Session is not the owner, then a LockException is thrown. Note however that the system may give permission to a non-owning session to unlock a lock. Typically such "lock-superuser" capability is intended to facilitate administrational clean-up of orphaned open-scoped locks.

Note that it is possible to unlock a node even if it is checked-in (the lock-related properties will be changed despite the checked-in status).

If the current session does not have sufficient privileges to remove the lock, an AccessDeniedException is thrown.

An InvalidItemStateException is thrown if this node has pending unsaved changes.

An UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException is thrown if this implementation does not support locking.

A RepositoryException is thrown if another error occurs.

Specified by:
unlock in interface LockManager
absPath - absolute path of node to be unlocked
LockException - if this node does not currently hold a lock or holds a lock for which this Session does not have the correct lock token
UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException - if this implementation does not support locking.
AccessDeniedException - if the current session does not have permission to unlock this node.
InvalidItemStateException - if this node has pending unsaved changes.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
See Also:


public Lock lock(NodeState nodeState,
                 boolean isDeep,
                 boolean isSessionScoped)
          throws LockException,
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Lock a node. Checks whether the node is not locked and then returns a lock object for this node.

isDeep - whether the lock applies to this node only
isSessionScoped - whether the lock is session scoped
lock object
LockException - if this node already is locked, or some descendant node is locked and isDeep is true
See Also:


public Lock lock(NodeState nodeState,
                 boolean isDeep,
                 boolean isSessionScoped,
                 long timeoutHint,
                 String ownerHint)
          throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Lock a node. Checks whether the node is not locked and then returns a lock object for this node.

isDeep - whether the lock applies to this node only
isSessionScoped - whether the lock is session scoped
timeoutHint - optional timeout hint.
ownerHint - optional String defining the lock owner info to be displayed.
lock object
LockException - if this node already is locked, or some descendant node is locked and isDeep is true
See Also:


public void unlock(NodeState nodeState)
            throws LockException,
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Removes the lock on a node.

nodeState -
LockException - if this node is not locked or the session does not have the correct lock token
See Also:


public Lock getLock(NodeState nodeState)
             throws LockException,
If the session created a lock on the node with the given state, we already know the lock. Otherwise, the node state and its ancestores are searched for properties indicating a lock.
Note, that the flag indicating session-scoped lock cannot be retrieved unless the current session is the lock holder.

nodeState -
lock object
LockException - if this node is not locked
See Also:


public boolean isLocked(NodeState nodeState)
                 throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Returns true if this node is locked either as a result of a lock held by this node or by a deep lock on a node above this node; otherwise returns false.

nodeState -
true if this node is locked either as a result of a lock held by this node or by a deep lock on a node above this node; otherwise returns false
RepositoryException - If an error occurs.
See Also:


public void checkLock(NodeState nodeState)
               throws LockException,
Description copied from interface: LockManager
Check whether the given node state is locked by somebody else than the current session. Access is allowed if the node is not locked or if the session itself holds the lock to this node, i.e. the session contains the lock token for the lock. If the node is not locked at all this method returns silently.

nodeState -
LockException - if write access to the specified node is not allowed
RepositoryException - if some other error occurs
See Also:


public String[] getLockTokens()
Returns the lock tokens present on the SessionInfo this manager has been created with.

Specified by:
getLockTokens in interface LockManager
The lock tokens associated with the Session this lock manager has been created for.
See Also:


public void addLockToken(String lt)
                  throws LockException,
Delegates this call to WorkspaceManager.addLockToken(String). If this succeeds this method will inform all locks stored in the local map in order to give them the chance to update their lock information.

Specified by:
addLockToken in interface LockManager
lt - added lock token
LockException - if the specified lock token is already held by another Session and the implementation does not support simultaneous ownership of open-scoped locks.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
See Also:


public void removeLockToken(String lt)
                     throws LockException,
If the lock addressed by the token is session-scoped, this method will throw a LockException, such as defined by JSR170 v.1.0.1 for Session.removeLockToken(String).
Otherwise the call is delegated to WorkspaceManager.removeLockToken(String). All locks stored in the local lock map are notified by the removed token in order have them updated their lock information.

Specified by:
removeLockToken in interface LockManager
lt - removed lock token
LockException - if the current Session does not hold the specified lock token.
RepositoryException - if another error occurs.
See Also:


public void loggingOut(Session session)
Description copied from interface: SessionListener
Called when a Session is about to be 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
Specified by:
loggingOut in interface SessionListener
session -
See Also:


public void loggedOut(Session session)
Description copied from interface: SessionListener
Called when a Session has been 'closed' by calling Session.logout()
Specified by:
loggedOut in interface SessionListener
session -
See Also:

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