Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Interface Summary
Cache A Cache object A cache must call CacheManager.getInstance().add(this) to take part in the dynamic memory distribution.
CacheAccessListener The cache access listener can be registered to a class.
ISMLocking ISMLocking defines an interface for a locking strategy of an ItemStateManager.
ISMLockingFactory Factory interface for creating ISMLocking instances.
ItemStateCache An ItemStateCache maintains a cache of ItemState instances.
ItemStateCacheFactory An item state cache factory to construct new item state caches.
ItemStateListener The ItemStateListener interface allows an implementing object to be informed about changes on an ItemState.
ItemStateManager The ItemStateManager interface provides methods for retrieving ItemState and NodeReferences instances by id.
ItemStateStore ItemStateStore is similar to a typed Map:

An ItemStateStore temporarily stores and retrieves ItemState instances using their ItemIds as key.

NodeStateIterator NodeStateIterator extends the Iterator interface by the respective NodeState methods.
NodeStateListener Extends the ItemStateListener allowing a client to be additionally informed about changes on a NodeState.
PersistenceManager Deprecated. use PersistenceManager instead.
UpdatableItemStateManager Identifies an ItemStateManager that allows updating items.

Class Summary
AbstractPersistenceManager Deprecated. use AbstractPersistenceManager instead.
CacheManager This class manages the size of the caches used in Jackrabbit.
CacheManager.CacheInfo Internal copy of the cache information.
ChangeLog Registers changes made to states and references and consolidates empty changes.
ChildNodeEntry ChildNodeEntry specifies the name, index (in the case of same-name siblings) and the UUID of a child node entry.
DefaultISMLocking DefaultISMLocking implements the default locking strategy using coarse grained locking on an ItemStateManager wide read-write lock.
FineGrainedISMLocking FineGrainedISMLocking...
ItemState ItemState represents the state of an Item.
ItemStateMap A Map based ItemStateStore implementation.
ItemStateReferenceCache ItemStateReferenceCache internally consists of 2 components: an ItemStateReferenceMap serving as the primary (or main) cache; it holds weak references to ItemState instances.
ItemStateReferenceMap ItemStateReferenceMap is a specialized ItemStateMap that stores WEAK references to ItemState objects.
LocalItemStateManager Local ItemStateManager that isolates changes to persistent states from other clients.
ManagedMLRUItemStateCacheFactory This class constructs new MLRUItemStateCache.
MLRUItemStateCache An ItemStateCache implementation that internally uses a LinkedMap to maintain a cache of ItemState objects.
NodeReferences NodeReferences represents the references (i.e. properties of type REFERENCE) to a particular node (denoted by its uuid).
NodeReferencesId Identifies a NodeReferences object.
NodeState NodeState represents the state of a Node.
PMContext Deprecated. use PMContext instead.
PropertyState PropertyState represents the state of a Property.
SessionItemStateManager Item state manager that handles both transient and persistent items.
SharedItemStateManager Shared ItemStateManager (SISM).
StateChangeDispatcher Component that holds references to listeners interested in changes to item states and dispatches notifications.
XAItemStateManager Extension to LocalItemStateManager that remembers changes on multiple save() requests and commits them only when an associated transaction is itself committed.

Exception Summary
ItemStateException The ItemStateException ...
NoSuchItemStateException The NoSuchItemStateException ...
StaleItemStateException Signals that an item has been modified externally and that the item state representing it has thus become stale.

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