Uses of Interface

Packages that use RecordIterator

Uses of RecordIterator in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that implement RecordIterator
 class FileRecordIterator
          Record cursor that returns unseen revisions in ascending order on every iteration.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return RecordIterator
 RecordIterator Journal.getRecords()
          Return an iterator over all available records in the journal.
 RecordIterator FileJournal.getRecords()
          Return an iterator over all available records in the journal.
 RecordIterator DatabaseJournal.getRecords()
          Return an iterator over all available records in the journal.
 RecordIterator Journal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.
 RecordIterator FileJournal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.
 RecordIterator DatabaseJournal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.

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