Package org.apache.jackrabbit.api.jsr283

Interface Summary
Binary A Binary object holds a JCR property value of type BINARY.
Node This interface holds extensions made in JCR 2.0 while work is in progress implementing JCR 2.0.
Repository This interface holds extensions made in JCR 2.0 while work is in progress implementing JCR 2.0.
RepositoryFactory RepositoryFactory is a factory class for Repository implementations.
Session This interface holds extensions made in JCR 2.0 while work is in progress implementing JCR 2.0.
Workspace The Workspace object represents a "view" of an actual repository workspace entity as seen through the authorization settings of its associated Session.

Class Summary
GuestCredentials GuestCredentials implements the Credentials interface and is used to obtain a "guest", "public" or "anonymous" session.

Exception Summary
InvalidLifecycleTransitionException Exception thrown by Lifecycle management-related methods.

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