Package org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client

Interface Summary
LocalAdapterFactory Factory interface for creating local adapters for remote references.

Class Summary
BrokenRemoteRepository Dummy remote repository instance that throws a RemoteException whenever any method is invoked.
ClientAdapterFactory Default implementation of the LocalAdapterFactory interface.
ClientItem Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteItem interface.
ClientItemDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteItemDefinition interface.
ClientLock Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteLock interface.
ClientNamespaceRegistry Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNamespaceRegistry interface.
ClientNode Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNode interface.
ClientNodeDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeDefinition interface.
ClientNodeType Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeType interface.
ClientNodeTypeManager Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeTypeManager interface.
ClientObject Base class for client adapter objects.
ClientObservationManager The ClientObservationManager class This class uses an instance of the ClientEventPoll class for the actual registration and event dispatching.
ClientProperty Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteProperty interface.
ClientPropertyDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemotePropertyDefinition interface.
ClientQuery Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQuery interface.
ClientQueryManager Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQueryManager interface.
ClientQueryResult Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQueryResult interface.
ClientRepository Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRepository interface.
ClientRepositoryFactory Object factory for JCR-RMI clients.
ClientRow Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRow interface.
ClientSession Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteSession interface.
ClientVersion Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteVersion interface.
ClientVersionHistory Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteVersionHistory interface.
ClientWorkspace Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteWorkspace interface.
ClientXAResource Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteXAResource interface.
ClientXASession Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteXASession interface.
SafeClientRepository A "safe" local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRepository interface.

Exception Summary
RemoteRepositoryException JCR-RMI remote exception.
RemoteRuntimeException JCR-RMI remote runtime exception.

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