Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCollectionConverterImpl

Uses of AbstractCollectionConverterImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager.collectionconverter.impl

Subclasses of AbstractCollectionConverterImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager.collectionconverter.impl
 class BeanReferenceCollectionConverterImpl
          Collection Mapping used to map a reference/uuid property list into a java bean collection (readonly).
 class BeanReferenceMapConverterImpl
          Map converter used to map reference/uuid property by key into a java.util.Map.
 class DefaultCollectionConverterImpl
          Default Collection Mapping/convertion implementation.
 class MultiValueCollectionConverterImpl
          Collection Mapping/convertion implementation used for multi values properties This collection mapping strategy maps a collection into a JCR multi value property
 class NTCollectionConverterImpl
          Collection Mapping/convertion based on node type.
 class ReferenceCollectionConverterImpl
          This collection mapping strategy maps a collection of String into a JCR multi value property based on the reference type
 class ResidualNodesCollectionConverterImpl
          The ResidualNodesCollectionConverterImpl is a collection converter for multiple child nodes accessed through Node.getNodes(String pattern).
 class ResidualPropertiesCollectionConverterImpl
          The ResidualPropertiesCollectionConverterImpl is a collection converter for multiple properties accessed through Node.getProperties(String pattern).

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