Uses of Class

Packages that use CustomNodeTypeCreationException

Uses of CustomNodeTypeCreationException in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager that throw CustomNodeTypeCreationException
 boolean CustomNodeTypeCreator.addJcrCustomNodeType()
          Method to add a jcr custom node type to an existing jcr repository.
 boolean CustomNodeTypeCreator.createInitialJcrCustomNodeTypes()
          This method is supposed to create custom node types on repository setup.

Uses of CustomNodeTypeCreationException in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager.impl

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.ocm.manager.impl that throw CustomNodeTypeCreationException
 boolean CustomNodeTypeCreatorImpl.addJcrCustomNodeType()
          Method to add a jcr custom node type to an existing jcr repository.
 boolean CustomNodeTypeCreatorImpl.createInitialJcrCustomNodeTypes()
          This method is supposed to create custom node types on repository setup.

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