Uses of Interface

Packages that use NamespaceResolver   

Uses of NamespaceResolver in

Classes in that implement NamespaceResolver
 class AbstractNamespaceResolver
          Deprecated. Use the AbstractNamespaceResolver class from the org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.namespace package of the jackrabbit-spi-commons component.
 class SessionNamespaceResolver
          Deprecated. Use the SessionNamespaceResolver class from the org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.namespace package of the jackrabbit-spi-commons component.

Methods in with parameters of type NamespaceResolver
static Path Path.create(Path parent, String relJCRPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean canonicalize)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat.parse(Path, String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
static Path Path.create(String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver, boolean normalize)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat#parse(String, NamespaceResolver)} instead.
static String PathFormat.format(Path path, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Returns a string representation of the qualified path in the JCR path format.
static String[] NameFormat.format(QName[] qNames, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Same as NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) except that this method takes an array of QNames and returns an array of corresponding string representations.
static String NameFormat.format(QName qName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Formats the given QName to produce a string representation, i.e.
static void NameFormat.format(QName qName, NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buffer)
          Deprecated. Same as NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) except that this method appends the JCR-style name to the given buffer rather than returning it directly.
static QName QName.fromJCRName(String rawName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Use NameFormat.parse(String, NamespaceResolver) instead.
static Path PathFormat.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Parses the give jcrPath and returns a Path.
static QName[] NameFormat.parse(String[] jcrNames, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Converts each JCR-style name in the passed array to its corresponding QName and returns the resulting QName array.
static Path PathFormat.parse(String jcrPath, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Parses jcrPath into a qualified path using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.
static QName NameFormat.parse(String jcrName, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Converts the jcrName to its corresponding QName.
 String QName.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Use NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver) instead.
 String Path.PathElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Returns the JCR name representation of this path element.
 String Path.RootElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Returns the JCR name representation of this path element.
 String Path.CurrentElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Returns the JCR name representation of this path element.
 String Path.ParentElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Returns the JCR name representation of this path element.
 void QName.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buf)
          Deprecated. Use NameFormat.format(QName, NamespaceResolver, StringBuffer) instead.
 void Path.PathElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buf)
          Appends the JCR name representation of this path element to the given string buffer.
 void Path.RootElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buf)
          Appends the JCR name representation of this path element to the given string buffer.
 void Path.CurrentElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buf)
          Appends the JCR name representation of this path element to the given string buffer.
 void Path.ParentElement.toJCRName(NamespaceResolver resolver, StringBuffer buf)
          Appends the JCR name representation of this path element to the given string buffer.
 String Path.toJCRPath(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Use PathFormat.format(Path, NamespaceResolver) instead.

Constructors in with parameters of type NamespaceResolver
ParsingNameResolver(NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Deprecated. Creates a parsing name resolver.

Uses of NamespaceResolver in

Classes in that implement NamespaceResolver
 class NamespaceMapping
          Deprecated. Use the NamespaceMapping class from the org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.namespace package of the jackrabbit-spi-commons component.

Constructors in with parameters of type NamespaceResolver
NamespaceMapping(NamespaceResolver base)
          Deprecated. Constructor

Uses of NamespaceResolver in org.apache.jackrabbit.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.value with parameters of type NamespaceResolver
static NameValue NameValue.valueOf(QName name, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Returns a new NameValue initialized to the value represented by the specified QName formatted to a string using the specified resolver.

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