Interface DelegatingTextExtractor

All Superinterfaces:

public interface DelegatingTextExtractor
extends TextExtractor

Interface for text extractors that need to delegate the extraction of parts of content documents to another text extractor. This interface is usually implemented by extractors of composite multimedia or archive file formats.

The configured delegate text extractor is usually a composite extractor that may contain also the delegating extractor, thus it is possible for the extractor to be invoked recursively within a single thread. An implementation should never pass the full content document to the delegate extractor to avoid infinite loops.

Method Summary
 void setDelegateTextExtractor(TextExtractor extractor)
          Sets the text textractor to which this extractor should delegate any partial text extraction tasks.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.extractor.TextExtractor
extractText, getContentTypes

Method Detail


void setDelegateTextExtractor(TextExtractor extractor)
Sets the text textractor to which this extractor should delegate any partial text extraction tasks. The given delegate extractor is expected to be able to handle any content types passed to it.

extractor - delegate text extractor

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