Uses of Interface

Packages that use QueryHits

Uses of QueryHits in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that implement QueryHits
 class AbstractQueryHits
          AbstractQueryHits serves as a base class for QueryHits implementations.
 class ChildNodesQueryHits
          ChildNodesQueryHits implements query hits that returns the child nodes of another given query hits.
 class DefaultQueryHits
          DefaultQueryHits implements QueryHits based on a collection of ScoreNodes.
 class FilterQueryHits
          FilterQueryHits implements a QueryHits filter that forwards each call to the underlying query hits.
 class LuceneQueryHits
          Wraps the lucene Hits object and adds a close method that allows to release resources after a query has been executed and the results have been read completely.
 class NodeTraversingQueryHits
          NodeTraversingQueryHits implements query hits that traverse a node hierarchy.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that return QueryHits
 QueryHits JackrabbitIndexSearcher.evaluate( query, sort)
          Evaluates the query and returns the hits that match the query.
 QueryHits QueryHitsQuery.execute(JackrabbitIndexSearcher searcher, SessionImpl session, sort)
          Executes this query and returns QueryHits or null if this query should be executed using the regular Lucene API.
 QueryHits MatchAllDocsQuery.execute(JackrabbitIndexSearcher searcher, SessionImpl session, sort)
          Executes this query and returns QueryHits or null if this query should be executed using the regular Lucene API.
 QueryHits JackrabbitQuery.execute(JackrabbitIndexSearcher searcher, SessionImpl session, sort)
          Executes this query and returns QueryHits or null if this query should be executed using the regular Lucene API.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type QueryHits
ChildNodesQueryHits(QueryHits parents, SessionImpl session)
          Creates a new ChildNodesQueryHits that returns the child nodes of all query hits from the given parents.
FilterQueryHits(QueryHits hits)
          Creates a new FilterQueryHits, which forwards each call to hits.
QueryHitsAdapter(QueryHits hits, Name selectorName)
          Creates a new adapter for hits.
QueryHitsQuery(QueryHits hits)
          Creates a new query based on QueryHits.

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