Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Interface Summary
HierarchyManager The HierarchyManager interface ...
InternalXAResource Interface implemented by resources that provide XA functionality.
ItemLifeCycleListener The ItemLifeCycleListener interface allows an implementing object to be informed about changes on an Item instance.
NodeIdIterator NodeIdIterator extends the Iterator interface by the NodeId specific methods.
SessionListener The SessionListener interface allows an implementing object to be informed about changes on a Session.
TransientRepository.RepositoryFactory Factory interface for creating RepositoryImpl instances.
XASession Deprecated. Use XASession instead

Class Summary
AbstractNodeData Data object representing a node.
BatchedItemOperations BatchedItemOperations is an internal helper class that provides both high- and low-level operations directly on the ItemState level.
CachingHierarchyManager Implementation of a HierarchyManager that caches paths of items.
DefaultSecurityManager The security manager acts as central managing class for all security related operations on a low-level non-protected level.
HierarchyManagerImpl HierarchyManagerImpl ...
ItemData Data object referenced by different ItemImpl instances that all represent the same item, i.e. items having the same ItemId.
ItemId ItemId serves as the base class for the concrete classes PropertyId and NodeId who uniquely identify nodes and properties in a workspace.
ItemImpl ItemImpl implements the Item interface.
ItemManager There's one ItemManager instance per Session instance.
ItemValidator Utility class for validating an item against constraints specified by its definition.
NamespaceRegistryImpl A NamespaceRegistryImpl ...
NodeId Node identifier.
NodeImpl NodeImpl implements the Node interface.
PropertyData Data object representing a property.
PropertyId Property identifier.
PropertyImpl PropertyImpl implements the Property interface.
RepositoryImpl A RepositoryImpl ...
SearchManager Acts as a global entry point to execute queries and index nodes.
SecurityItemModifier SecurityItemModifier: An abstract helper class to allow classes of the security API residing outside of the core package to modify and remove protected items for security.
SessionImpl A SessionImpl ...
TestRepository Utility class for easy handling a test repository.
TransactionContext Represents the transaction on behalf of the component that wants to explicitly demarcate transaction boundaries.
TransientRepository A repository proxy that automatically initializes and shuts down the underlying repository instance when the first session is opened or the last one closed.
WorkspaceImpl A WorkspaceImpl ...
XASessionImpl Session extension that provides XA support.
XAWorkspace Workspace extension that works in an XA environment.
ZombieHierarchyManager HierarchyManager implementation that is also able to build/resolve paths of those items that have been moved or removed (i.e. moved to the attic).

Exception Summary
TransactionException TransactionException is thrown when some operation inside the transaction fails.

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