Uses of Class

Packages that use EventState

Uses of EventState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return EventState
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path.Element childPath, Name nodeType, Set mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.

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