Uses of Class

Packages that use DataStoreException   

Uses of DataStoreException in

Methods in that throw DataStoreException
 DataRecord FileDataStore.addRecord(InputStream input)
          Creates a new data record.
 DataRecord DataStore.addRecord(InputStream stream)
          Creates a new data record.
 void DataStore.close()
          Close the data store
 int DataStore.deleteAllOlderThan(long min)
          Delete objects that have a modified date older than the specified date.
 Iterator DataStore.getAllIdentifiers()
          Get all identifiers.
 long DataRecord.getLength()
          Returns the length of the binary stream in this record.
 DataRecord DataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the identified data record.
 InputStream FileDataRecord.getStream()
          Returns the the binary stream in this record.
 InputStream DataRecord.getStream()
          Returns the the binary stream in this record.

Uses of DataStoreException in

Methods in that return DataStoreException
protected  DataStoreException DbDataStore.convert(String cause, Exception e)
          Convert an exception to a data store exception.

Methods in that throw DataStoreException
 DataRecord DbDataStore.addRecord(InputStream stream)
          Creates a new data record.
 int DbDataStore.deleteAllOlderThan(long min)
          Delete objects that have a modified date older than the specified date.
 Iterator DbDataStore.getAllIdentifiers()
          Get all identifiers.
protected  ConnectionRecoveryManager DbDataStore.getConnection()
protected  MessageDigest DbDataStore.getDigest()
 long DbDataRecord.getLength()
          Returns the length of the binary stream in this record.
 DataRecord DbDataStore.getRecord(DataIdentifier identifier)
          Returns the identified data record.
 InputStream DbDataRecord.getStream()
          Returns the the binary stream in this record.
 void DbDataStore.init(String homeDir)
          Initialized the data store
protected  void DbDataStore.initDatabaseType()
protected  void DbDataStore.putBack(ConnectionRecoveryManager conn)

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