Uses of Class

Packages that use DavPropertyName

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav that return DavPropertyName
 DavPropertyName[] DavResource.getPropertyNames()
          Returns an array of all property names available on this resource.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav with parameters of type DavPropertyName
 void MultiStatusResponse.add(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Adds a property name to this response '200' propstat set.
 void MultiStatusResponse.add(DavPropertyName propertyName, int status)
          Adds a property name to this response
 DavProperty DavResource.getProperty(DavPropertyName name)
          Return the webdav property with the specified name.
 void DavResource.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Remove the specified property from this resource.

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_DEFINITION
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_DEPTH
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_INDEX
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_ISMODIFIED
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_ISNEW
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_LENGTH
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_LENGTHS
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_MIXINNODETYPES
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_NAME
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_NAMESPACES
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_PARENT
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_PATH
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_PRIMARYITEM
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_PRIMARYNODETYPE
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_REFERENCES
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_TYPE
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_UUID
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_VALUE
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_VALUES
static DavPropertyName ItemResourceConstants.JCR_VERSIONABLEUUID

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr with parameters of type DavPropertyName
protected  void DefaultItemCollection.addHrefProperty(DavPropertyName name, Item[] values, boolean isProtected)
          Add a HrefProperty with the specified property name and values.
protected  void DefaultItemCollection.addHrefProperty(DavPropertyName name, Iterator itemIterator, boolean isProtected)
          Add a new href property to the property set, where all items present in the specifed iterator are referenced in the resulting property.
 void DefaultItemResource.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Removing properties is not allowed, for a single-value JCR-property without a value does not exist.
 void DefaultItemCollection.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          This implementation of the DavResource does only allow to remove the mixinnodetypes property.

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.nodetype

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.nodetype with parameters of type DavPropertyName
NodeTypeProperty(DavPropertyName name, NodeType[] nodeTypes, boolean isProtected)
NodeTypeProperty(DavPropertyName name, NodeType nodeType, boolean isProtected)
NodeTypeProperty(DavPropertyName name, String[] nodeTypeNames, boolean isProtected)

Uses of DavPropertyName in

Fields in declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName SearchResultProperty.SEARCH_RESULT_PROPERTY

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName ObservationConstants.SUBSCRIPTIONDISCOVERY
          The protected subscription discovery property is used to find out about existing subscriptions present on the specified resource.

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName OrderingConstants.ORDERING_TYPE
          The DAV:ordering-type property indicates whether the collection is ordered and, if so, uniquely identifies the semantics of the ordering.
static DavPropertyName OrderingConstants.SUPPORTED_LIVE_PROPERTY_SET
          Required live property for resources that honor the 'ordered-collections' compliance class defined by RFC 3648.
The supported-live-property-set property has been introduced with RFC 3253.
static DavPropertyName OrderingConstants.SUPPORTED_METHOD_SET
          Required live property for resources that honor the 'ordered-collections' compliance class defined by RFC 3648.
The supported-method-set property has been introduced with RFC 3253.

Uses of DavPropertyName in

Fields in declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.CREATIONDATE
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.DISPLAYNAME
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.GETCONTENTLANGUAGE
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.GETCONTENTLENGTH
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.GETCONTENTTYPE
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.GETETAG
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.GETLASTMODIFIED
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.ISCOLLECTION
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.LOCKDISCOVERY
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.RESOURCETYPE
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.SOURCE
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.SUPPORTEDLOCK

Methods in that return DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.create(String name)
          Creates a new DavPropertyName with the given local name and the default WebDAV namespace.
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.create(String name, Namespace namespace)
          Creates a new DavPropertyName with the given name and Namespace.
static DavPropertyName DavPropertyName.createFromXml(Element nameElement)
          Create a new DavPropertyName with the name and namespace of the given Xml element.
 DavPropertyName AbstractDavProperty.getName()
          Returns the name of this property.
 DavPropertyName DavProperty.getName()
          Returns the name of this property
 DavPropertyName[] DavPropertySet.getPropertyNames()
          Return the names of all properties present in this set.
 DavPropertyName DavPropertyNameIterator.nextPropertyName()

Methods in with parameters of type DavPropertyName
 boolean DavPropertyNameSet.add(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Adds the specified DavPropertyName object to this set if it is not already present.
 boolean DavPropertySet.contains(DavPropertyName name)
          Checks if this set contains the property with the specified name.
abstract  boolean PropContainer.contains(DavPropertyName name)
          Returns true if this PropContainer contains a content element that matches the given DavPropertyName.
 boolean DavPropertyNameSet.contains(DavPropertyName name)
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.get(DavPropertyName name)
          Retrieves the property with the specified name
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.remove(DavPropertyName name)
          Removes the indicated property from this set.
 boolean DavPropertyNameSet.remove(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Removes the specified DavPropertyName object from this set.

Constructors in with parameters of type DavPropertyName
AbstractDavProperty(DavPropertyName name, boolean isProtected)
          Create a new AbstractDavProperty with the given DavPropertyName and a boolean flag indicating whether this property is protected.
DefaultDavProperty(DavPropertyName name, Object value)
          Creates a new non- protected WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName and value.
DefaultDavProperty(DavPropertyName name, Object value, boolean isProtected)
          Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName and value.
HrefProperty(DavPropertyName name, String[] value, boolean isProtected)
          Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName
HrefProperty(DavPropertyName name, String value, boolean isProtected)
          Creates a new WebDAV property with the given DavPropertyName

Uses of DavPropertyName in

Fields in declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName SearchConstants.QUERY_GRAMMER_SET
          Property indicating the set of query languages the given resource is able deal with.

Uses of DavPropertyName in

Fields in declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.ACL
          Protected property DAV:acl.
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.ACL_RESTRICTIONS
          Protected property DAV:acl-restrictions
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.ALTERNATE_URI_SET
          Protected href property DAV:alternate-URI-set for principal resources.
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.CURRENT_USER_PRIVILEGE_SET
          Protected property DAV:current-user-privilege-set
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.GROUP
          Protected href property DAV:group
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.GROUP_MEMBER_SET
          Protected href property DAV:group-member-set for principal resources.
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.GROUP_MEMBERSHIP
          Protected href property DAV:group-membership for principal resources.
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.INHERITED_ACL_SET
          Protected href property DAV:inherited-acl-set
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.OWNER
          Protected href property DAV:owner
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.PRINCIPAL_COLLECTION_SET
          Protected href property DAV:principal-collection-set
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.PRINCIPAL_URL
          Protected href property DAV:principal-URL for principal resources.
static DavPropertyName SecurityConstants.SUPPORTED_PRIVILEGE_SET
          Protected property DAV:supported-privilege-set

Methods in that return DavPropertyName
 DavPropertyName Principal.getPropertyName()

Methods in with parameters of type DavPropertyName
static Principal Principal.getPropertyPrincipal(DavPropertyName propertyName)

Uses of DavPropertyName in

Methods in that return DavPropertyName
 DavPropertyName PrincipalMatchReport.getPrincipalPropertyName()
          Retrieve the property name that indicates which property must be search for matching principals.
Note, that the search result must be converted to MultiStatusResponses that must be returned back to this report.

Methods in with parameters of type DavPropertyName
 void SearchablePropertyReport.addPrincipalSearchProperty(DavPropertyName propName, String description, String language)
          Add a property name that should be listed in the DAV:principal-search-property-set.

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple that return DavPropertyName
 DavPropertyName[] DavResourceImpl.getPropertyNames()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple with parameters of type DavPropertyName
protected  HrefProperty DeltaVResourceImpl.getHrefProperty(DavPropertyName name, Node[] values, boolean isProtected, boolean isCollection)
          Returns a HrefProperty with the specified property name and values.
 DavProperty DavResourceImpl.getProperty(DavPropertyName name)
 DavResource[] DeltaVResourceImpl.getReferenceResources(DavPropertyName hrefPropertyName)
          Return an array of DavResource objects that are referenced by the property with the specified name.
 void VersionHistoryResourceImpl.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Version storage is read-only -> fails with 403.
 void VersionResourceImpl.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Version storage is read-only -> fails with 403.
 void DavResourceImpl.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)

Uses of DavPropertyName in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version declared as DavPropertyName
static DavPropertyName ActivityResource.ACTIVITY_CHECKOUT_SET
          The computed DAV:activity-checkout-set property identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:activity-set identifies this activity.

Note that the DAV:activity-checkout-set represents a HrefProperty

static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.ACTIVITY_SET
          DAV:activity-set is a property for a checked-out resource, if the server supports the activity feature.
This property determines the DAV:activity-set property of the version that results from checking in this resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.ACTIVITY_SET
          DAV:activity-set is a required property for a version resource, if the server supports the activity feature.
It identifies the activities that determine to which logical changes this version contributes, and on which lines of descent this version appears.
static DavPropertyName ActivityResource.ACTIVITY_VERSION_SET
          The computed DAV:activity-version-set property identifies each version whose DAV:activity-set property identifies this activity.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.AUTO_MERGE_SET
          The DAV:auto-merge-set property identifies each version that the server has merged into this checked-out resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.AUTO_VERSION
          The DAV:auto-version property determines how it responds to a method that attempts to modify its content or dead properties.
static DavPropertyName BaselineResource.BASELINE_COLLECTION
          The protected DAV:baseline-collection property identifies a distinct collection that lists as members all version-controlled resources of the configuration this baseline belongs to (the baseline being one version of the corresponding vc-configuration-resource).
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.BASELINE_CONTROLLED_COLLECTION
          If the 'Baseline' feature is supported, DAV:baseline-controlled-collection is a required property of any version-controlled resource, that represents a 'configuration'.
static DavPropertyName WorkspaceResource.BASELINE_CONTROLLED_COLLECTION_SET
          The Baseline feature (section 12) defines the following computed property for a workspace resource: DAV:baseline-controlled-collection-set lists all collections of this workspace, that are under baseline control.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.CHECKED_IN
          The DAV:checked-in property appears on a checked-in version-controlled resource, and identifies the base version of this version-controlled resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.CHECKED_OUT
          The DAV:checked-out property identifies the base version of this resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.CHECKIN_FORK
          This property determines the DAV:checkin-fork property of the version that results from checking in this resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.CHECKIN_FORK
          This property controls the behavior of CHECKIN when a version already has a successor.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.CHECKOUT_FORK
          This property determines the DAV:checkout-fork property of the version that results from checking in this resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.CHECKOUT_FORK
          This property controls the behavior of CHECKOUT when a version already is checked out or has a successor.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.CHECKOUT_SET
          The computed property DAV:checkout-set identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:checked-out property identifies this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.COMMENT
          The "DAV:comment" property is used to track a brief comment about a resource that is suitable for presentation to a user.
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.CREATOR_DISPLAYNAME
          The "DAV:creator-displayname" property contains a description of the creator of the resource that is suitable for presentation to a user.
static DavPropertyName ActivityResource.CURRENT_WORKSPACE_SET
          The computed DAV:current-workspace-set property identifies identifies each workspace whose DAV:current-activity-set identifies this activity.

Note that the DAV:current-workspace-set represents a HrefProperty

static DavPropertyName WorkspaceResource.CUURENT_ACTIVITY_SET
          DAV:current-activity-set is a required property for a workspace resource, if the server supports the activity feature.
It identifies the activities that currently are being performed in this workspace.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.ECLIPSED_SET
          If the 'Version-Controlled-Collection Feature' is supported the DAV:eclipsed-set property present on a collection identifies all internal members that are not version-controlled and hide a vc internal member with the same name.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.LABEL_NAME_SET
          Required protected property 'DAV:label-name-set' for a version of a webdav resource introduced with the 'LabelInfo' feature.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.MERGE_SET
          This property identifies each version that is to be merged into this checked-out resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.PREDECESSOR_SET
          The DAV:predecessor-set property of a version-controlled resource points to those version resources, that are scheduled to become the predecessors of this resource when it is back checked-in.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.PREDECESSOR_SET
          The protected DAV:predecessor property identifies each predecessor of this version.
static DavPropertyName VersionHistoryResource.ROOT_VERSION
          Computed (protected) property identifying the root version of this version history.
static DavPropertyName ActivityResource.SUBACTIVITY_SET
          The DAV:subactivity-set property identifies each activity that forms a part of the logical change being captured by this activity.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.SUBBASELINE_SET
          This property is mandatory for all checked-out version-controlled-configuration resources.
static DavPropertyName BaselineResource.SUBBASELINE_SET
          The protected DAV:subbaseline-set property identifies a set of baseline resources.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.SUCCESSOR_SET
          The computed property DAV:successor-set identifies each version whose DAV:predecessor-set identifies this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.SUPPORTED_LIVE_PROPERTY_SET
          Required protected live property for any resources being complient with RFC 3253.
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.SUPPORTED_METHOD_SET
          Required protected live property for any resources being complient with RFC 3253.
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.SUPPORTED_REPORT_SET
          Protected "supported-report-set" property identifies the reports that are supported by the resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.UNRESERVED
          DAV:unreserved is a property for a checked-out resource, if the server supports the activity feature.
It indicates whether the DAV:activity-set of another checked-out resource associated with the version history of this version-controlled resource can have an activity that is in the DAV:activity-set property of this checked-out resource.
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.VERSION_CONTROLLED_BINDING_SET
          If the 'Version-Controlled-Collection Feature' is supported the DAV:version-controlled-binding-set property identifies the name and the version history of all version-controlled internal members of the collection this version resource belongs to.
          The Baseline feature introduces the computed DAV:version-controlled-configuration property for all resources that are member of a version-controlled configuration.
static DavPropertyName VersionControlledResource.VERSION_HISTORY
          The computed property DAV:version-history identifies the version history resource for the DAV:checked-in or DAV:checked-out version of this version-controlled resource.
The property is defined to have the following format:
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.VERSION_HISTORY
          The computed property DAV:version-history identifies the version history that contains this version.
The property is defined to have the following format:
static DavPropertyName VersionResource.VERSION_NAME
          The protected property DAV:version-name defines a human readable id for this version.
static DavPropertyName VersionHistoryResource.VERSION_SET
          The protected property DAV:version-set identifies each version of this version history.
static DavPropertyName DeltaVConstants.WORKSPACE
          Protected "workspace" property indicating the workspace of a resource.
static DavPropertyName WorkspaceResource.WORKSPACE_CHECKOUT_SET
          The DAV:workspace-checkout-set property is the only required property which is additionally added to a workspace resource.
This computed property identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:workspace property identifies this workspace.

Note that the DAV:workspace-checkout-set represents a HrefProperty.


Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version with parameters of type DavPropertyName
 DavResource[] DeltaVResource.getReferenceResources(DavPropertyName hrefPropertyName)
          Returns an array of DavResource objects that are referenced by the HrefProperty with the specified name.

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