Uses of Interface

Packages that use DavProperty

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav that return DavProperty
 DavProperty DavResource.getProperty(DavPropertyName name)
          Return the webdav property with the specified name.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav with parameters of type DavProperty
 void MultiStatusResponse.add(DavProperty property)
          Adds a property to this response '200' propstat set.
 void MultiStatusResponse.add(DavProperty property, int status)
          Adds a property to this response
 void DavResource.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Add/Set the specified property on this resource.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr with parameters of type DavProperty
 void WorkspaceResourceImpl.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Allows to alter the registered namespaces (ItemResourceConstants.JCR_NAMESPACES) and forwards any other property to the super class.

Note that again no property status is set.

 void DefaultItemResource.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Sets the given property.
 void DefaultItemCollection.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          This implementation of the DavResource does only allow to set the mixinnodetypes property.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.nodetype

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.nodetype that implement DavProperty
 class NodeTypeProperty

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.jcr.nodetype with parameters of type DavProperty
NodeTypeProperty(DavProperty property)
          Create a new NodeTypeProperty from the specified general DavProperty object.

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class LengthsProperty
          LengthsProperty extends DavProperty providing utilities to handle the multiple lengths of the property item represented by this resource.
 class NamespacesProperty
 class ValuesProperty
          ValuesProperty extends DavProperty providing utilities to handle the multiple values of the property item represented by this resource.

Constructors in with parameters of type DavProperty
NamespacesProperty(DavProperty property)
ValuesProperty(DavProperty property, int defaultType, ValueFactory valueFactory)
          Wrap the specified DavProperty in a new ValuesProperty.

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class SearchResultProperty

Constructors in with parameters of type DavProperty
SearchResultProperty(DavProperty property, ValueFactory valueFactory)
          Wrap the specified DavProperty in a new SearchResultProperty.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock that implement DavProperty
 class LockDiscovery
          The LockDiscovery class encapsulates the webdav lock discovery property that is sent in the request body (PROPFIND and LOCK) and received in a LOCK response body.
 class SupportedLock
          The SupportedLock class encapsulates the lock capabilties of a resource.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation that implement DavProperty
 class SubscriptionDiscovery
          SubscriptionDiscovery encapsulates the 'subscriptiondiscovery' property of a webdav resource.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering that implement DavProperty
 class OrderingType
          OrderingType represents the DAV:ordering-type property as defined by RFC 3648.

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class AbstractDavProperty
          AbstractDavProperty provides generic METHODS used by various implementations of the DavProperty interface.
 class DefaultDavProperty
 class HrefProperty
          HrefProperty is an extension to the common DavProperty.
 class ResourceType
          The ResourceType class represents the webdav resource type property.

Methods in that return DavProperty
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.add(DavProperty property)
          Adds a new property to this set.
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.get(DavPropertyName name)
          Retrieves the property with the specified name
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.get(String name)
          Retrieves the property with the specified name and the default WebDAV namespace.
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.get(String name, Namespace namespace)
          Retrieves the property with the specified name and namespace.
 DavProperty DavPropertyIterator.nextProperty()
          Returns the next Property in the interation.
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.remove(DavPropertyName name)
          Removes the indicated property from this set.
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.remove(String name)
          Removes the property with the specified name and the default WebDAV namespace.
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.remove(String name, Namespace namespace)
          Removes the property with the specified name and namespace from this set.

Methods in with parameters of type DavProperty
 DavProperty DavPropertySet.add(DavProperty property)
          Adds a new property to this set.

Constructors in with parameters of type DavProperty
HrefProperty(DavProperty prop)
          Create a new HrefProperty from the specified property.

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class QueryGrammerSet
          QueryGrammerSet is a DavProperty that encapsulates the 'supported-query-grammer-set' as defined by the Webdav SEARCH internet draft.

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class AclProperty
          AclProperty defines a protected property that specifies the list of access control entries (ACEs).
 class AclRestrictionsProperty
          AclRestrictionsProperty as defined by RFC 3744 Section 5.6.
 class CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty
 class SupportedPrivilegeSetProperty
          SupportedPrivilegeSetProperty defines the SecurityConstants.SUPPORTED_PRIVILEGE_SET property, used to identify the privileges defined for the resource.

Constructors in with parameters of type DavProperty
CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty(DavProperty xmlDavProperty)
          Create a new CurrentUserPrivilegeSetProperty from a DavProperty as obtained from a MultiStatusResponse.

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple that return DavProperty
 DavProperty DavResourceImpl.getProperty(DavPropertyName name)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.simple with parameters of type DavProperty
 void VersionHistoryResourceImpl.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Version storage is read-only -> fails with 403.
 void VersionResourceImpl.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Version storage is read-only -> fails with 403.
 void DavResourceImpl.setProperty(DavProperty property)

Uses of DavProperty in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version that implement DavProperty
 class LabelSetProperty
 class SupportedMethodSetProperty
          The SupportedMethodSetProperty

Uses of DavProperty in

Classes in that implement DavProperty
 class SupportedReportSetProperty
          SupportedReportSetProperty represents the DAV:supported-report-set property defined by RFC 3253.

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