Class ItemInfoImpl

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.ItemInfoImpl
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, ItemInfo
Direct Known Subclasses:
NodeInfoImpl, PropertyInfoImpl

public abstract class ItemInfoImpl
extends Object
implements ItemInfo, Serializable

ItemInfoImpl is a base class for ItemInfo implementations.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
ItemInfoImpl(NodeId parentId, Name name, Path path, boolean isNode)
          Creates a new serializable item info for the given qualified item info.
Method Summary
 boolean denotesNode()
          Returns true if this ItemInfo denotes a node, false otherwise.
 Name getName()
          Returns the qualified representation of the item name.
 NodeId getParentId()
          Returns the id of the parent NodeInfo.
 Path getPath()
          Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ItemInfoImpl(NodeId parentId,
                    Name name,
                    Path path,
                    boolean isNode)
Creates a new serializable item info for the given qualified item info.

parentId - the parent id.
name - the name of this item.
path - the path to this item.
isNode - if this item is a node.
Method Detail


public NodeId getParentId()
Returns the id of the parent NodeInfo.

Specified by:
getParentId in interface ItemInfo
the id of the parent item info.


public Name getName()
Returns the qualified representation of the item name. For the root node expected return value is {""}"".

Specified by:
getName in interface ItemInfo
the qualified representation of the item name.


public boolean denotesNode()
Returns true if this ItemInfo denotes a node, false otherwise.

Specified by:
denotesNode in interface ItemInfo
true if this ItemInfo denotes a node, false otherwise.


public Path getPath()
Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.

Specified by:
getPath in interface ItemInfo
the Path of the item represented by this item info.

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