Uses of Interface

Packages that use SessionInfo
org.apache.jackrabbit.spi Defines the interfaces of the JCR SPI (Service Provider Interface). 

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi with parameters of type SessionInfo
protected  WorkspaceManager WorkspaceImpl.createManager(RepositoryService service, SessionInfo sessionInfo, CacheBehaviour cacheBehaviour, int pollTimeout)
          Create the workspace state manager.
protected  WorkspaceImpl SessionImpl.createWorkspaceInstance(RepositoryConfig config, SessionInfo sessionInfo)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi with parameters of type SessionInfo
WorkspaceImpl(String name, SessionImpl session, RepositoryConfig config, SessionInfo sessionInfo)
WorkspaceManager(RepositoryService service, SessionInfo sessionInfo, CacheBehaviour cacheBehaviour, int pollTimeout, boolean enableObservation)

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype with parameters of type SessionInfo
ItemDefinitionProviderImpl(EffectiveNodeTypeProvider entProvider, RepositoryService service, SessionInfo sessionInfo)

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state with parameters of type SessionInfo
WorkspaceItemStateFactory(RepositoryService service, SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemDefinitionProvider definitionProvider)

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi

Subinterfaces of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi
 interface XASessionInfo
          XASessionInfo extends the SessionInfo and provides access to the XAResource of the session info.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi that return SessionInfo
 SessionInfo RepositoryService.impersonate(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Credentials credentials)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 SessionInfo RepositoryService.obtain(Credentials credentials, String workspaceName)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 SessionInfo RepositoryService.obtain(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String workspaceName)
          Returns a new SessionInfo for the given workspace name that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi with parameters of type SessionInfo
 void RepositoryService.addVersionLabel(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId, Name label, boolean moveLabel)
          Add the given version label in the persistent layer.
 void RepositoryService.checkin(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Performs a checkin for the Node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryService.checkout(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Performs a checkout for the Node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryService.checkQueryStatement(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String statement, String language, Map namespaces)
          Checks if the query statement is valid according to the specified query language.
 void RepositoryService.clone(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String srcWorkspaceName, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName, boolean removeExisting)
          Clone the subtree identified by the given srcNodeId in workspace named srcWorkspaceName to the destination in the workspace specified by the given SessionInfo.
 void RepositoryService.copy(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String srcWorkspaceName, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName)
          Clone the subtree identified by the given srcNodeId in workspace named srcWorkspaceName to the destination in the workspace specified by the given SessionInfo.
 Batch RepositoryService.createBatch(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId)
          Indicates the start of a set of operations that cause modifications on the underlying persistence layer.
 EventFilter RepositoryService.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
          Creates an event filter.
 Subscription RepositoryService.createSubscription(SessionInfo sessionInfo, EventFilter[] filters)
          Creates a new Subscription for events with an initial set of EventFilters.
 void RepositoryService.dispose(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Indicates to the RepositoryService, that the given SessionInfo will not be used any more.
 QueryInfo RepositoryService.executeQuery(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String statement, String language, Map namespaces)
          Execute the given query statement with the specified query language.
 boolean RepositoryService.exists(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId)
          Returns true if an Item with the given ItemId exists.
 Iterator RepositoryService.getChildInfos(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId parentId)
          Returns an Iterator of ChildInfos present on the Node represented by the given parentId.
 Iterator RepositoryService.getItemInfos(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Method used to 'batch-read' from the persistent storage.
 LockInfo RepositoryService.getLockInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the lock information that applies to Node identified by the given NodeId or null.
 String RepositoryService.getNamespacePrefix(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String uri)
          Returns the namespace prefix for the given namespace uri.
 String RepositoryService.getNamespaceURI(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String prefix)
          Returns the namespace URI for the given namespace prefix.
 QNodeDefinition RepositoryService.getNodeDefinition(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the QNodeDefinition for the Node identified by the given id.
 NodeInfo RepositoryService.getNodeInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Retrieve the NodeInfo for the node identified by the given NodeId.
 QPropertyDefinition RepositoryService.getPropertyDefinition(SessionInfo sessionInfo, PropertyId propertyId)
          Returns the QPropertyDefinition for the Property identified by the given id.
 PropertyInfo RepositoryService.getPropertyInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, PropertyId propertyId)
          Returns the PropertyInfo for the Property identified by the given id.
 Iterator RepositoryService.getQNodeTypeDefinitions(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Retrieve the QNodeTypeDefinitions of all registered nodetypes.
 Iterator RepositoryService.getQNodeTypeDefinitions(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Name[] nodetypeNames)
          Retrieve QNodeTypeDefinitions for the given names.
 Map RepositoryService.getRegisteredNamespaces(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Retrieve all registered namespaces.
 NodeId RepositoryService.getRootId(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          The NodeId of the root node may basically have two characteristics.
 String[] RepositoryService.getSupportedQueryLanguages(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Returns a String array identifying all query languages supported by this SPI implementation.
 String[] RepositoryService.getWorkspaceNames(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Return all workspace names available for the given SessionInfo.
 SessionInfo RepositoryService.impersonate(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Credentials credentials)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 void RepositoryService.importXml(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId parentId, InputStream xmlStream, int uuidBehaviour)
          Imports the data present in the given InputStream into the persistent layer.
 boolean RepositoryService.isGranted(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId, String[] actions)
          Returns true if all actions defined in the specified array are granted to given SessionInfo.
 LockInfo RepositoryService.lock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, boolean deep, boolean sessionScoped)
          Create a lock on the Node identified by the given id.
 Iterator RepositoryService.merge(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, String srcWorkspaceName, boolean bestEffort)
          Merge the node identified by the given NodeId and its subtree with the corresponding node present in the workspace with the name of srcWorkspaceName.
 void RepositoryService.move(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName)
          Moves the node identified by the given srcNodeId (and its entire subtree) to the new location defined by destParentNodeId and a new name (destName).
 SessionInfo RepositoryService.obtain(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String workspaceName)
          Returns a new SessionInfo for the given workspace name that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 void RepositoryService.refreshLock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Explicit refresh of an existing lock.
 void RepositoryService.registerNamespace(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String prefix, String uri)
          Register a new namespace with the given prefix and uri.
 void RepositoryService.removeVersion(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId)
          Remove the version inditified by the specified versionId.
 void RepositoryService.removeVersionLabel(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId, Name label)
          Remove the given version label in the persistent layer.
 void RepositoryService.resolveMergeConflict(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, NodeId[] mergeFailedIds, NodeId[] predecessorIds)
          Resolve an existing merge conflict present with the node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryService.restore(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId[] versionIds, boolean removeExisting)
          Restore multiple versions at once.
 void RepositoryService.restore(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, NodeId versionId, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the node identified by nodeId to the state defined by the version with the specified versionId.
 void RepositoryService.unlock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Releases the lock on the Node identified by the given NodeId.

Please note, that on logout all session-scoped locks must be released by calling unlock.

 void RepositoryService.unregisterNamespace(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String uri)
          Unregister the namespace identified by the given uri
 void RepositoryService.update(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, String srcWorkspaceName)
          Updates the node identified by the given NodeId replacing it (an the complete subtree) with a clone of its corresponding node present in the workspace with the given srcWorkspaceName.

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons that implement SessionInfo
 class SessionInfoImpl
          SessionInfoImpl is a searializable bean based implementation of SessionInfo.

Uses of SessionInfo in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2jcr

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2jcr that return SessionInfo
 SessionInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.impersonate(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Credentials credentials)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 SessionInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.obtain(Credentials credentials, String workspaceName)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 SessionInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.obtain(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String workspaceName)
          Returns a new SessionInfo for the given workspace name that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2jcr with parameters of type SessionInfo
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.addVersionLabel(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId, Name label, boolean moveLabel)
          Add the given version label in the persistent layer.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.checkin(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Performs a checkin for the Node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.checkout(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Performs a checkout for the Node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.checkQueryStatement(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String statement, String language, Map namespaces)
          Checks if the query statement is valid according to the specified query language.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.clone(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String srcWorkspaceName, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName, boolean removeExisting)
          Clone the subtree identified by the given srcNodeId in workspace named srcWorkspaceName to the destination in the workspace specified by the given SessionInfo.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.copy(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String srcWorkspaceName, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName)
          Clone the subtree identified by the given srcNodeId in workspace named srcWorkspaceName to the destination in the workspace specified by the given SessionInfo.
 Batch RepositoryServiceImpl.createBatch(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId)
          Indicates the start of a set of operations that cause modifications on the underlying persistence layer.
 EventFilter RepositoryServiceImpl.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
          Creates an event filter.
 Subscription RepositoryServiceImpl.createSubscription(SessionInfo sessionInfo, EventFilter[] filters)
          Creates a new Subscription for events with an initial set of EventFilters.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.dispose(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Indicates to the RepositoryService, that the given SessionInfo will not be used any more.
 QueryInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.executeQuery(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String statement, String language, Map namespaces)
          Execute the given query statement with the specified query language.
 boolean RepositoryServiceImpl.exists(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId)
          Returns true if an Item with the given ItemId exists.
 Iterator RepositoryServiceImpl.getChildInfos(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId parentId)
          Returns an Iterator of ChildInfos present on the Node represented by the given parentId.
 Iterator RepositoryServiceImpl.getItemInfos(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Method used to 'batch-read' from the persistent storage.
 LockInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.getLockInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the lock information that applies to Node identified by the given NodeId or null.
 String RepositoryServiceImpl.getNamespacePrefix(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String uri)
          Returns the namespace prefix for the given namespace uri.
 String RepositoryServiceImpl.getNamespaceURI(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String prefix)
          Returns the namespace URI for the given namespace prefix.
 QNodeDefinition RepositoryServiceImpl.getNodeDefinition(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Returns the QNodeDefinition for the Node identified by the given id.
 NodeInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.getNodeInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Retrieve the NodeInfo for the node identified by the given NodeId.
 QPropertyDefinition RepositoryServiceImpl.getPropertyDefinition(SessionInfo sessionInfo, PropertyId propertyId)
          Returns the QPropertyDefinition for the Property identified by the given id.
 PropertyInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.getPropertyInfo(SessionInfo sessionInfo, PropertyId propertyId)
          Returns the PropertyInfo for the Property identified by the given id.
 Iterator RepositoryServiceImpl.getQNodeTypeDefinitions(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Retrieve the QNodeTypeDefinitions of all registered nodetypes.
 Iterator RepositoryServiceImpl.getQNodeTypeDefinitions(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Name[] nodetypeNames)
          Retrieve QNodeTypeDefinitions for the given names.
 Map RepositoryServiceImpl.getRegisteredNamespaces(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Retrieve all registered namespaces.
 NodeId RepositoryServiceImpl.getRootId(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          The NodeId of the root node may basically have two characteristics.
 String[] RepositoryServiceImpl.getSupportedQueryLanguages(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Returns a String array identifying all query languages supported by this SPI implementation.
 String[] RepositoryServiceImpl.getWorkspaceNames(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
          Return all workspace names available for the given SessionInfo.
 SessionInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.impersonate(SessionInfo sessionInfo, Credentials credentials)
          Returns a SessionInfo that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.importXml(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId parentId, InputStream xmlStream, int uuidBehaviour)
          Imports the data present in the given InputStream into the persistent layer.
 boolean RepositoryServiceImpl.isGranted(SessionInfo sessionInfo, ItemId itemId, String[] actions)
          Returns true if all actions defined in the specified array are granted to given SessionInfo.
 LockInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.lock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, boolean deep, boolean sessionScoped)
          Create a lock on the Node identified by the given id.
 Iterator RepositoryServiceImpl.merge(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, String srcWorkspaceName, boolean bestEffort)
          Merge the node identified by the given NodeId and its subtree with the corresponding node present in the workspace with the name of srcWorkspaceName.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.move(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId srcNodeId, NodeId destParentNodeId, Name destName)
          Moves the node identified by the given srcNodeId (and its entire subtree) to the new location defined by destParentNodeId and a new name (destName).
 SessionInfo RepositoryServiceImpl.obtain(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String workspaceName)
          Returns a new SessionInfo for the given workspace name that will be used by other methods on the RepositoryService.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.refreshLock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Explicit refresh of an existing lock.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.registerNamespace(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String prefix, String uri)
          Register a new namespace with the given prefix and uri.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.removeVersion(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId)
          Remove the version inditified by the specified versionId.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.removeVersionLabel(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId versionHistoryId, NodeId versionId, Name label)
          Remove the given version label in the persistent layer.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.resolveMergeConflict(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, NodeId[] mergeFailedIds, NodeId[] predecessorIds)
          Resolve an existing merge conflict present with the node identified by the given NodeId.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.restore(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId[] versionIds, boolean removeExisting)
          Restore multiple versions at once.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.restore(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, NodeId versionId, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the node identified by nodeId to the state defined by the version with the specified versionId.
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.unlock(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId)
          Releases the lock on the Node identified by the given NodeId.

Please note, that on logout all session-scoped locks must be released by calling unlock.

 void RepositoryServiceImpl.unregisterNamespace(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String uri)
          Unregister the namespace identified by the given uri
 void RepositoryServiceImpl.update(SessionInfo sessionInfo, NodeId nodeId, String srcWorkspaceName)
          Updates the node identified by the given NodeId replacing it (an the complete subtree) with a clone of its corresponding node present in the workspace with the given srcWorkspaceName.

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