Package org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client

Interface Summary
LocalAdapterFactory Factory interface for creating local adapters for remote references.

Class Summary
BrokenRemoteRepository Dummy remote repository instance that throws a RemoteException whenever any method is invoked.
ClientAdapterFactory Default implementation of the LocalAdapterFactory interface.
ClientItem Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteItem interface.
ClientItemDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteItemDefinition interface.
ClientLock Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteLock interface.
ClientNamespaceRegistry Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNamespaceRegistry interface.
ClientNode Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNode interface.
ClientNodeDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeDefinition interface.
ClientNodeType Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeType interface.
ClientNodeTypeManager Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteNodeTypeManager interface.
ClientObject Base class for client adapter objects.
ClientObservationManager The ClientObservationManager class
ClientProperty Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteProperty interface.
ClientPropertyDefinition Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemotePropertyDefinition interface.
ClientQuery Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQuery interface.
ClientQueryManager Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQueryManager interface.
ClientQueryResult Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteQueryResult interface.
ClientRepository Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRepository interface.
ClientRepositoryFactory Object factory for JCR-RMI clients.
ClientRow Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRow interface.
ClientSession Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteSession interface.
ClientVersion Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteVersion interface.
ClientVersionHistory Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteVersionHistory interface.
ClientWorkspace Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteWorkspace interface.
ClientXAResource Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteXAResource interface.
ClientXASession Local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteXASession interface.
SafeClientRepository A "safe" local adapter for the JCR-RMI RemoteRepository interface.

Exception Summary
RemoteRepositoryException JCR-RMI remote exception.
RemoteRuntimeException JCR-RMI remote runtime exception.

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