Uses of Interface

Packages that use Operation

Uses of Operation in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi with parameters of type Operation
 void WorkspaceManager.execute(Operation operation)
          Creates a new batch from the single workspace operation and executes it.

Uses of Operation in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation that implement Operation
 class AbstractCopy
 class AbstractOperation
 class AddLabel
 class AddNode
 class AddProperty
 class Checkin
 class Checkout
 class Clone
 class Copy
 class LockOperation
 class LockRefresh
 class LockRelease
 class Merge
 class Move
 class Remove
 class RemoveLabel
 class RemoveVersion
 class ReorderNodes
 class ResolveMergeConflict
 class Restore
 class SetMixin
 class SetPropertyValue
 class Update
 class WorkspaceImport

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation that return Operation
static Operation Remove.create(ItemState state)
static Operation LockRelease.create(NodeState nodeState)
static Operation LockRefresh.create(NodeState nodeState)
static Operation Restore.create(NodeState[] versionStates, boolean removeExisting)
static Operation WorkspaceImport.create(NodeState nodeState, InputStream xmlStream, int uuidBehaviour)
static Operation SetMixin.create(NodeState nodeState, Name[] mixinNames)
static Operation AddProperty.create(NodeState parentState, Name propName, int propertyType, QPropertyDefinition def, QValue[] values)
static Operation AddNode.create(NodeState parentState, Name nodeName, Name nodeTypeName, String uuid)
static Operation ResolveMergeConflict.create(NodeState nodeState, NodeId[] mergeFailedIds, NodeId[] predecessorIds, boolean resolveDone)
static Operation RemoveLabel.create(NodeState versionHistoryState, NodeState versionState, Name label)
static Operation AddLabel.create(NodeState versionHistoryState, NodeState versionState, Name label, boolean moveLabel)
static Operation RemoveVersion.create(NodeState versionState, NodeState vhState, VersionManager mgr)
static Operation ReorderNodes.create(NodeState parentState, Path.Element srcName, Path.Element beforeName)
static Operation Restore.create(NodeState nodeState, Path relQPath, NodeState versionState, boolean removeExisting)
static Operation Update.create(NodeState nodeState, String srcWorkspaceName)
static Operation Checkin.create(NodeState nodeState, VersionManager mgr)
static Operation Checkout.create(NodeState nodeState, VersionManager mgr)
static Operation Move.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, HierarchyManager hierMgr, PathResolver resolver, boolean sessionMove)
static Operation Clone.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, String srcWorkspaceName, boolean removeExisting, ManagerProvider srcMgrProvider, ManagerProvider destMgrProvider)
static Operation Copy.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, String srcWorkspaceName, ManagerProvider srcMgrProvider, ManagerProvider destMgrProvider)
static Operation SetPropertyValue.create(PropertyState propState, QValue[] qValues, int valueType)

Uses of Operation in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state with parameters of type Operation
 void ChangeLog.addOperation(Operation operation)
          Add the given operation to the list of operations to be recorded within the current update cycle of this ChangeLog.
 void SessionItemStateManager.execute(Operation operation)
          Executes the given operation and modifies the affected item states accordingly.
 void UpdatableItemStateManager.execute(Operation operation)
          Executes the given operation and modifies the affected item states accordingly.

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