Uses of Interface

Packages that use EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key

Uses of EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype that return EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.findBest(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Searches the best key k for which the given key is a super set, i.e.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.getKey(Name[] ntNames)
          Returns a key for an effective node type that consists of the given node type names.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key.subtract(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key otherKey)
          Creates a new key as a result of a subtract operation.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.nodetype with parameters of type EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key
 boolean EffectiveNodeTypeCache.contains(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Checks if the effective node type for the given key exists.
 boolean EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key.contains(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key otherKey)
          Checks if the otherKey is contained in this one.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.findBest(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Searches the best key k for which the given key is a super set, i.e.
 EffectiveNodeType EffectiveNodeTypeCache.get(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key)
          Returns the effective node type for the given key or null if the desired node type is not cached.
 void EffectiveNodeTypeCache.put(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key key, EffectiveNodeType ent)
          Puts an effective node type to the cache for the given key.
 EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key.subtract(EffectiveNodeTypeCache.Key otherKey)
          Creates a new key as a result of a subtract operation.

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