Class TextExtractorFilter

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.TextExtractorFilter
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class TextExtractorFilter
extends Object
implements TextFilter

Utility base class for migrating functionality from existing implementations of the deprecated TextFilter interface to the new TextExtractor interface. Once the functionality of an existing TextFilter has been copied to a new TextExtractor, the original class can be replaced with the following template to keep backwards compatibility while avoiding the burden of maintaining duplicate code:

 public class SomeTextFilter extends TextExtractorFilter {
     public SomeTextFilter() {
         super(new SomeTextExtractor());

Constructor Summary
TextExtractorFilter(TextExtractor extractor)
          Creates a text filter adapter for the given text extractor.
Method Summary
 boolean canFilter(String mimeType)
          Returns true if the adapted text extractor supports the given content type.
 Map doFilter(PropertyState data, String encoding)
          Extracts text content of the given binary property using the adapted text extractor.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TextExtractorFilter(TextExtractor extractor)
Creates a text filter adapter for the given text extractor.

extractor - adapted text extractor
Method Detail


public boolean canFilter(String mimeType)
Returns true if the adapted text extractor supports the given content type.

Specified by:
canFilter in interface TextFilter
mimeType - content type
true if the content type is supported, false otherwise


public Map doFilter(PropertyState data,
                    String encoding)
             throws RepositoryException
Extracts text content of the given binary property using the adapted text extractor.

Specified by:
doFilter in interface TextFilter
data - binary property
encoding - character encoding, or null
map that contains a reader for the extracted text as the FieldNames.FULLTEXT entry
RepositoryException - if the binary property can not be read

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