Interface StringIndex

All Known Implementing Classes:
DbNameIndex, HashMapIndex, NamespaceIndex, NGKDbNameIndex, PostgreSQLNameIndex

public interface StringIndex

The StringIndex defines a very simple interface that mapps strings to an integer and vice versa. the mapping must be unique and stable across repository restarts.

Field Summary
static String CVS_ID
          the cvs/svn id
Method Summary
 String indexToString(int idx)
          Returns the string for a given index.
 int stringToIndex(String string)
          Returns the index for a given string.

Field Detail


static final String CVS_ID
the cvs/svn id

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


int stringToIndex(String string)
Returns the index for a given string. if the string does not exist in the underlying index map a new index needs to be created.

string - the string to return the index for
the index of that string.


String indexToString(int idx)
Returns the string for a given index. if the index does not exist in the underlying index map, null is returned.

idx - the index tp returns the string for.
the string or null

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