Uses of Class

Packages that use JournalException

Uses of JournalException in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that throw JournalException
 Record DefaultRecordProducer.append()
          Append a record.
 Record RecordProducer.append()
          Append a record.
protected  void DatabaseJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.

We have already saved away the revision for this record.

protected abstract  void AbstractJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.
protected  void FileJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.
protected  AppendRecord DefaultRecordProducer.createRecord()
          Create a new record.
protected  void DatabaseJournal.doLock()
          Lock the journal revision.

This journal is locked by incrementing the current value in the table named GLOBAL_REVISION, which effectively write-locks this table.

protected abstract  void AbstractJournal.doLock()
          Lock the journal revision.
protected  void FileJournal.doLock()
          Lock the journal revision.
protected  void AbstractJournal.doSync(long startRevision)
          Synchronize contents from journal.
 long FileRevision.get()
          Return current counter value.
 RecordProducer Journal.getProducer(String identifier)
          Return the record producer for a given identifier.
protected  RecordIterator DatabaseJournal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.
protected abstract  RecordIterator AbstractJournal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.
protected  RecordIterator FileJournal.getRecords(long startRevision)
          Return an iterator over all records after the specified revision.
protected  long FileJournal.getRevision()
protected  void JNDIDatabaseJournal.init()
          Overridden to avoid the driver and url checks in DatabaseJournal.
protected  void DatabaseJournal.init()
          Completes initialization of this database journal.
 void DatabaseJournal.init(String id, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Initialize journal.
 void AbstractJournal.init(String id, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Initialize journal.
 void FileJournal.init(String id, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Initialize journal.
 void Journal.init(String id, NamespaceResolver resolver)
          Initialize journal.
 void AbstractJournal.lockAndSync()
          Lock the journal revision, disallowing changes from other sources until {@link #unlock has been called, and synchronizes to the latest change.
 Record RecordIterator.nextRecord()
          Return the next record.
 boolean AppendRecord.readBoolean()
 boolean Record.readBoolean()
          Read a boolean from the underlying stream.
 byte AppendRecord.readByte()
          Unsupported methods when appending.
 byte Record.readByte()
          Read a byte from the underlying stream.
 char AppendRecord.readChar()
 char Record.readChar()
          Read a character from the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.readFully(byte[] b)
 void Record.readFully(byte[] b)
          Fully read an array of bytes from the underlying stream.
 int AppendRecord.readInt()
 int Record.readInt()
          Read an integer from the underlying stream.
 NodeId AbstractRecord.readNodeId()
          Read a NodeId from the underlying stream.
 NodeId Record.readNodeId()
          Read a NodeId from the underlying stream.
 NodeTypeDef AbstractRecord.readNodeTypeDef()
          Read a NodeTypeDef from the underlying stream.
 NodeTypeDef Record.readNodeTypeDef()
          Read a NodeTypeDef from the underlying stream.
 Path AbstractRecord.readPath()
          Read a Path from the underlying stream.
 Path Record.readPath()
          Read a Path from the underlying stream.
 Path.Element AbstractRecord.readPathElement()
          Read a Path.Element from the underlying stream.
 Path.Element Record.readPathElement()
          Read a Path.Element from the underlying stream.
 PropertyId AbstractRecord.readPropertyId()
          Read a PropertyId from the underlying stream.
 PropertyId Record.readPropertyId()
          Read a PropertyId from the underlying stream.
 Name AbstractRecord.readQName()
          Read a Name frmo the underlying stream.
 Name Record.readQName()
          Read a Name frmo the underlying stream.
 String AppendRecord.readString()
 String Record.readString()
          Read a string from the underlying stream.
 void AbstractJournal.register(RecordConsumer consumer)
          Register a record consumer.
 void Journal.register(RecordConsumer consumer)
          Register a record consumer.
 void FileRevision.set(long value)
          Set current counter value.
 void AbstractJournal.sync()
          Synchronize contents from journal.
 void Journal.sync()
          Synchronize contents from journal.
 void AppendRecord.update()
          Update the changes made to an appended record.
 void Record.update()
          Update the changes made to an appended record.
 void AppendRecord.write(byte[] b)
          Write an array of bytes to the underlying stream.
 void Record.write(byte[] b)
          Write an array of bytes to the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.writeBoolean(boolean b)
          Write a boolean from the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeBoolean(boolean b)
          Write a boolean from the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.writeByte(int n)
          Write a byte to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeByte(int n)
          Write a byte to the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.writeChar(char c)
          Write a character to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeChar(char c)
          Write a character to the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.writeInt(int n)
          Write an integer to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeInt(int n)
          Write an integer to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writeNodeId(NodeId nodeId)
          Write a NodeId to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeNodeId(NodeId nodeId)
          Write a NodeId to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writeNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Write a NodeTypeDef to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeNodeTypeDef(NodeTypeDef ntd)
          Write a NodeTypeDef to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writePath(Path path)
          Write a Path to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writePath(Path path)
          Write a Path to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writePathElement(Path.Element element)
          Write a Path.Element to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writePathElement(Path.Element element)
          Write a Path.Element to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writePropertyId(PropertyId propertyId)
          Write a PropertyId to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writePropertyId(PropertyId propertyId)
          Write a PropertyId to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writeQName(Name name)
          Write a Name to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeQName(Name name)
          Write a Name to the underlying stream.
 void AppendRecord.writeString(String s)
          Write a string to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writeString(String s)
          Write a string to the underlying stream.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that throw JournalException
FileRevision(File file)
          Creates a new file based revision counter.

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