Uses of Interface

Packages that use Journal

Uses of Journal in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that implement Journal
 class AbstractJournal
          Base journal implementation.
 class DatabaseJournal
          Database-based journal implementation.
 class FileJournal
          File-based journal implementation that appends journal records to a single file.

It is configured through the following properties: directory: the directory where to keep the journal file as well as the rotated files; this is a required property with no default value basename: the basename of journal files; the default value is FileJournal.DEFAULT_BASENAME maximumSize: the maximum size of an active journal file before rotating it: the default value is FileJournal.DEFAULT_MAXSIZE

 class JNDIDatabaseJournal
          Database journal that uses JNDI to acquire the database connection.
 class MSSqlDatabaseJournal
          It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal: tableSpace: the MS SQL tablespace to use
 class OracleDatabaseJournal
          It has the following property in addition to those of the DatabaseJournal: tableSpace: the Oracle tablespace to use

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