Uses of Class

Packages that use AppendRecord

Uses of AppendRecord in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return AppendRecord
protected  AppendRecord DefaultRecordProducer.createRecord()
          Create a new record.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type AppendRecord
protected  void DatabaseJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.

We have already saved away the revision for this record.

protected abstract  void AbstractJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.
protected  void FileJournal.append(AppendRecord record, InputStream in, int length)
          Append a record backed by a file.
protected  void DatabaseJournal.appending(AppendRecord record)
          Notification method called by an appended record at creation time.

Save away the locked revision inside the newly appended record.

protected  void AbstractJournal.appending(AppendRecord record)
          Notification method called by an appended record at creation time.

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