Package org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api

Class Summary
AddNodeTest AddNodeTest contains the test cases for the method Node.addNode(String, String).
Base64 Base64 provides Base64 encoding/decoding of strings and streams.
BinaryPropertyTest Tests a binary property.
BooleanPropertyTest Tests a boolean property.
CheckPermissionTest Tests if Session.checkPermission(String, String) yields the correct permissions for a read-only session and a 'superuser' session.
DatePropertyTest Tests a date property.
DocumentViewImportTest DocumentViewImportTest Tests importXML and getImportContentHandler methods of the Workspace and Session class.
DoublePropertyTest Tests a double property.
EscapeJCRUtil Class providing some character escape methods.
ExportDocViewTest ExportDocViewTest tests the two Session methods : Session.exportDocumentView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) and Session.exportDocumentView(String,, boolean, boolean) against the required behaviours according the document view xml mapping defined in the JSR 170 specification in chapter 6.4.2, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 .
ExportSysViewTest ExportSysViewTest tests the SysView Export of a tree given by a node path.
ImpersonateTest Tests if Session.impersonate(Credentials) to a read-only session respects access controls.
LongPropertyTest Tests a long property.
NamePropertyTest Tests a date property.
NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest This class tests read method of the NamespaceRegistry class and also the correct Exception throwing for methods not supported in level 1.
NamespaceRegistryTest NamespaceRegistryTest tests whether the repository registers and unregisters namespaces correctly.
NamespaceRemappingTest NamespaceRemappingTest tests transient namespace remapping.
NodeAddMixinTest NodeAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.AddMixin(String).
NodeCanAddMixinTest NodeCanAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.canAddMixin(String).
NodeDiscoveringNodeTypesTest All test cases in this class rely on content in the repository.
NodeItemIsModifiedTest Test cases for Item.isModified() on a node.
NodeItemIsNewTest Test cases for Item.isNew() on a node.
NodeIteratorTest Tests the NodeIterator implementation.
NodeMixinUtil Utility class to locate mixins in the NodeTyeManager.
NodeOrderableChildNodesTest NodeOrderableChildNodesTest contains all node writing tests (LEVEL 2) that require a node that allows child node ordering (tests therefore are optional).
NodeReadMethodsTest Tests the 'read' methods specified in the Node interface on a level 1 repository.
NodeRemoveMixinTest NodeRemoveMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.removeMixin(String).
NodeTest NodeTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Node that are related to writing, modifing or deleting nodes (level 2 of the specification).
NodeUUIDTest NodeUUIDTest contains all tests for the javax.jcr.Node class that require a UUID (and therefore are optional).
PathPropertyTest Tests a path property.
PropertyItemIsModifiedTest Test cases for Item.isModified() on a property.
PropertyItemIsNewTest Test cases for Item.isNew() on a property.
PropertyReadMethodsTest PropertyReadMethodsTest...
PropertyTest PropertyTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Property that are related to writing, modifing or deleting properties (level 2 of the specification).
PropertyTypeTest Tests if the type of a property is set according to the node type as well as no property is of type UNDEFINED.
PropertyUtil This class provides various utility methods that are used by the property test cases.
ReferenceableRootNodesTest ReferenceableRootNodesTest contains tests with referenceable nodes between different workspaces.
ReferencePropertyTest Tests a reference property.
ReferencesTest ReferencesTest contains the test cases for the references.
RepositoryDescriptorTest Tests if the required repository descriptors are available.
RepositoryLoginTest RepositoryLoginTest tests the login methods of a repository.
RootNodeTest Test cases for the root node.
SerializationTest SerializationTest contains the test cases for the method Workspace.exportSysView() and Session.importSysView().
SessionReadMethodsTest SessionReadMethodsTest...
SessionTest SessionTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Session class that are level 2 (modifing repository content).
SessionUUIDTest SessionUUIDTest contains all tests for the Session class that require a UUID (and therefore are optional).
SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest tests if when setting a property of type PropertyType.UNDEFINED the type is assumed correctly.
SetPropertyBooleanTest SetPropertyBooleanTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, boolean) method
SetPropertyCalendarTest SetPropertyCalendarTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, Calendar) method
SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if setProperty() throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by setValue()) or on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
SetPropertyDoubleTest SetPropertyDoubleTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, double) method
SetPropertyInputStreamTest SetPropertyInputStreamTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, InputStream) method
SetPropertyLongTest SetPropertyLongTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, long) method
SetPropertyNodeTest SetPropertyNodeTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, Node) method
SetPropertyStringTest SetPropertyStringTest tests the methods Node.setProperty(String, String), Node.setProperty(String, String[]) and Node.setProperty(String, String[], int)
SetPropertyValueTest SetPropertyValueTest tests the methods Node.setProperty(String, Value), Node.setProperty(String, Value[]) and Node.setProperty(String, Value[], int)
SetValueBinaryTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueBooleanTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if setValue() throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by setValue()) or on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
SetValueDateTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueDoubleTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueLongTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueReferenceTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueStringTest Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest tests if Property.setValue() throws a ValueFormatException if a best-effort conversion fails.
SetValueVersionExceptionTest SetValueVersionExceptionTest...
StringPropertyTest StringPropertyTest tests a String property against the conversions to other Properties (except Name and Path property).
TestAll Test suite that includes all testcases for the package javax.jcr.
UndefinedPropertyTest Tests if no property in the workspace is of type PropertyType.UNDEFINED.
ValueFactoryTest ValueFactoryTest tests the different ValueFactory.createValue methods.
WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest contains tests for cloning referenceable nodes between workspaces.
WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest contains tests for cloning nodes as same name siblings between workspace.
WorkspaceCloneTest WorkspaceCloneTest contains tests for cloning nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest contains tests for cloning versionable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest contains tests for copying referenceable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest contains tests for copying nodes as same name siblings between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest contains tests for copying nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest contains tests for copying versionable nodes between workspace.
WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest contains tests for copying referenceable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest contains tests for copying nodes as same name siblings in one workspace.
WorkspaceCopyTest WorkspaceCopyTest contains tests for copying nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest contains tests for copying versionable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest contains tests for moving referenceable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest contains tests for moving nodes with same name siblings supported in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveTest WorkspaceMoveTest contains tests for copying nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest contains tests for moving versionable nodes in one workspace.
WorkspaceReadMethodsTest WorkspaceReadMethodsTest...

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